Feel the Scent of History While Sailing the Athens Area

Feel the Scent of History While Sailing the Athens Area

Lets first start with chartering a yacht and learning about the area. Learn about the area and get the best deals on charter yachts. You can choose between the sailing yachts, motor yachts, catamaran, and gulets – the traditional wooden boats

Sail around the Saronic Gulf

The Saronic gulf is the most attractive yacht charter area in Greece due to its location and the rich ancient history of main tourist attractions like the capital Athens, Epidauros, Sounion, Poros, Aegina, etc.

When sailing in the Saronic gulf visit he islands Hydra, Dokos and a few uninhabited islets are part of Hydra municipality. In the town of Hydra, the island of Hydra, there is a harbor, around which restaurants, shops, markets, and galleries are centered. Cars or motorcycles are not allowed on the island – donkeys, bicycles, and water taxis provide public transportation.

The Historic Heritage of Athens

Athens is the historical capital of Europe, with a long history and its magnificent monuments and archaeological sites that can be visited on foot. The temple of Olympian Zeus (6th c. B.C.) is one of the largest and close to Hadrian’s Arch (131 A.D.), forming the symbolic entrance to the city. Some other sites you should definitely visit while in Athens are the Theatre of Dionysos (5th c. B.C.) where the dramas written by Sophocles, Euripides, Aeschylos and Aristophanes were performed, the ruins of the Asklepieion (5th c. B.C.), the Stoa of Eumenes (2th c. B.C.) and the Odeion of Herodes Atticus (161 A.D.)

The main attraction of Athens is the sacred rock of the Acropolis, where the masterpieces of world architecture and art are found, such as the Parthenon, the Propylaea and the Erechtheion. The most ancient law court of the world, the Areios Pagos, is just downhill the Acropolis. Further historical sites worth a visit include the Ancient Agora (the commercial, political and religious centre of ancient Athens).

After following the traces of history in Athens, get back on your sailboat and enjoy the rest of your sailing holidays cruising the marvelous Greek coast where you will see how history has mingled into the present…


The town of Lavrion is located on the end of the Attiki Peninsula. You must visit the biggest and oldest ancient amphitheater in Greece. The port of Lavrionis a yacht charter destination in Greece with numerous tavernas and cafes and a lively night life. The town is also n important ferry boat hub for the Cyclades and home port for several cruise ships as well as yacht charter base.

For more info visit A Yacht Charter Athens, a site specialized in chartering yachts in the Athens area.