Wild Flowers of New York

Wild Flowers of New York

Wild Flowers of New York are of great species and with a large variety. It certainly interests any kind of flower lover. Wild flowers are beautiful, fragrant and colorful. Wild flowers also can be grown in gardens as well. These flowers have mixed hybrid varieties that are grown in different colors and characteristics.

There are wide varieties of New York wild flowers. Trout lily, wild daffodil, common dandelion, yellow hawkweed, common blue violet, sweet white violet, ground ivy, garlic mustard, greater celandine, agave, alder, and periwinkle are a few of the most common wild flowers.

The New York State Thruway Authority’s Wildflower program was implemented in 2000 to improve the visual attraction and aesthetics of the Thruway system. It also saves on maintenance costs by reducing the amount of grass to mow and to make the travel more enjoyable. The program selected various locations in New York City. Different species of wildflowers are planted by monitoring growth rate, weed growth and aesthetic value.

Wild flowers mostly come in purple and blue flowers; pink, red and orange flowers; yellow and gold flowers; and white flowers. Wild flowers such as desert lupine, sand verbena, and desert willow are a few of the wild flower types available in the purple and blue colors. Ocotillo, strawberry cactus and fairy duster are a few wild flowers which come under the pink, red and orange colors. Creosote bush, cinchweed, desert sunflower, and dune sunflower are a few of the wild flowers which are available in the yellow and gold colors.

The popularity of wild flower gardens is increasing as gardeners in general are more concerned with nature. A few wild flowers, such as the New York aster, are also known for their edible usage and medicinal purposes.

New York wildflowers are seasonal in nature. The Spring wildflowers are those that bloom from late April through early June, the Summer wildflowers are those that bloom from late June through August, the Fall wildflowers are generally those that bloom in September through November, and the Winter wildflowers are those that bloom December into January, or March through early April. One is gifted to see these wild flowers from early spring to late fall, in a multitude of colors, sizes, and shapes. New York City is blessed to have these flowers in abundance.