Khat Import Regulations for Australia

Khat Import Regulations for Australia

Khat is a shrub like plant native to Ethiopia and grown throughout East Africa and Yemen. It is a cultural staple amongst East Africans and Yemenis and i used for both recreation as a light stimulant, and also for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. The legality of Khat varies by country. This article will explain in detail Khat’s legal status in Australia, the relative import regulations, and how to apply for a permit and import license.

Khat is a controlled, prohibited plant in Australia, but with the proper permit and license can be imported for personal use. Khat is regulated by the Department of Health and Aging as well as the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service. Individuals who wish to import Khat for personal use may apply, with relative ease, for permits through these agencies. The maximum allowable import amount per permit holder is 5 kilograms per month.

Khat may ONLY be imported for PERSONAL USE in Australia. It may not be imported for commercial purposes. Once imported, the importer may not distribute the Khat outside of his/her immediate family.

A potential importer must first hold BOTH an import permit from the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service, AND an Import License issued through the Department of Health and Aging’s Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Health (OCSH). The application process for obtaining these permits are very simple and straight forward. The ePermit from AQUIS can be applied for quickly online and issued within two to five days. The permit is good for up to 24 months. The Import license requires a one page application filled out and sent in to the Office of Chemical Safety and Environmental Health. OCSH states that applications are processed within 30 days. They are usually processed within one to two weeks and are valid for up to one year.

Import Restrictions:

In addition to needing to apply for the ePermit and License there are certain restrictions to be followed:

1. ONLY the Khat leaf can be imported. No Stems are allowed to be imported. Leaves should be cut above the first node on the stem.

2. Consignments of Khat should be free of contamination or infestation

3. If the consignment is contaminated it will need to be treated by AQIS at the owners expense and may damage the goods.

4. As of December, 2010 all consignments of FRESH Khat must be fumigated on arrival at the importers expense.

5. The consignment can not be shipped in any organic packaging such as banana leaves

The vast majority of Khat shipments to Australia are Dry Khat because fresh Khat is very sensitive to heat and air and is usually ruined if not received and chewed within two to three days of being picked.


There are two fees associated with importing Dry Khat.

1. AQIS ePermit will cost $125. This is a one time payment that allows for the importer to import Khat for up to 24 months.

2. Customs and Quarantine will also levy a $90 inspection fee for each consignment of Khat that is brought in. This fee does not vary by amount imported, so the more the importer brings in (max 5 kilograms), the less the cost becomes.

– There is no fee for the Import License from OCSH