The Blessings Of Abraham And The Holy Spirit Are Yours This Year

The Blessings Of Abraham And The Holy Spirit Are Yours This Year

A New Year, a new month, a new beginning full of testimonies! God is set to change your story and take you higher in life. However, you need to engage the provisions made available for you. And this includes the blessings of Abraham and the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

– Galatians 3:13-14 (NKJV).


I thank God, the Faithful One, who kept us all through last year and caused us to see this New Year. Truly, last year sent many to their early graves but the Lord exempted us. And for that, I say glory to God!

Also, our Father brought us into this New Year, not to abandon us or forsake us, but to bless us. For the path of the just shines brighter and brighter by the day. However, for this year to yield her increase to you, you must understand the provisions made available to you in redemption.

Redemption From The Curse Of Law

It’s wonderful that not long after the celebration of the birth of Christ, we have the New Year. This gives us the opportunity to connect with the Lord who is able to bring about peace and joy in our lives.

Truly, the curse of the law is ravaging the lives of those living in disobedience. However, Christ redeemed you from the curse of the law. And in its place now, you have access to the blessings of Abraham and the promise of the Holy Spirit. So, when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, these blessings become yours to enjoy. And you need these two blessings of redemption to excel this New Year.

The Blessings Of Abraham

God swore a blessing on Abraham, which Christ made available to us in redemption. And when you believe in these blessings and appropriate them in your life through your declarations, they will become a reality in your life.

According to Genesis 12:1-3,

The blessings of Abraham include:

  • Posterity
  • Blessings
  • Greatness
  • Channel of blessings to others
  • Blessings upon those who bless him
  • Curses upon those who curse him
  • Redemption of mankind through his lineage

Therefore, appropriating the blessings of Abraham in your life causes these blessings to manifest in your life. However, the last blessing will not be repeated, for Jesus has come and redeemed mankind already.

The Promise Of The Holy Spirit

This is the second blessing you get when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. And you need Him to succeed this New Year. For He is the guarantee of your inheritance in Christ. And He is the one who will help to establish the word of God (the blessings of Abraham) in your life. This He will do by, among other things, guiding you into all truth. And the truth includes steps to take to actualize Abraham’s blessings in your life. Therefore, it is wise to seriously partner with the Holy Spirit this New Year.


This New Year is truly loaded with God’s blessings. However, what you do with the redemption package will determine what this year will deliver to you. So, accept Christ if you haven’t. Also, believe in the blessings of Abraham and declare them into manifestation. And ensure to engage the help of the Holy Spirit in all your endeavours this New Year. So, congratulation! You will surely celebrate this New Year.