Millionaire Mindset – Where is Your Focus and Attention?

Millionaire Mindset – Where is Your Focus and Attention?

The key to achieving any goal in life is to focus your mind on the outcome that you want to achieve. When soldiers march into battle they focus on victory over the enemy not defeat, when athletes begin a game or competition they focus on winning not losing.

Achieving wealth is no different you have to focus your thoughts on the riches you hope to accumulate not the poverty you wish to escape. This is the Millionaire Mindset that you’ve probably heard about. Millionaires become millionaires by focusing their minds on the money they hope to accumulate not the obstacles in their way.

To acquire the Millionaire Mindset you’ll have to learn to focus your mind on the goals you want to achieve and ignore the negative consequences of failure. This is a far harder exercise than you might expect but it is something that anybody can achieve through focusing on the outcome.

The Millionaire Mindset like success in sports, politics or war is created by focusing on the final outcome not on the things that occur along the way. For example a person who has achieved the Millionaire Mindset can ignore temporary setbacks such as a momentary lack of money. Just as soldiers can ignore the loss of one battle and concentrate on final victory at the end of the war.

Such focus is far harder to achieve than most of us think because of the way the mind works. When most people are told to ignore something they think about it. For example when you go to the dentist you are told not to think about the pain the dental drill might cause. Naturally all you think about at the dentist is the possible pain you might feel. The result is that you become scared of the dentist and his drill even though you know that the dentist is there to help you by fixing the problems with your teeth.

A similar thing occurs when most people try to gain the Millionaire Mindset. Instead of focusing on the riches they want the people focus on the potential obstacles to achieving wealth so all they think about is the obstacles. After awhile these people condition themselves to think that achieving wealth is impossible and give up.

The way to overcome this destructive thinking and achieve the Millionaire Mindset is to focus on the final goal and not the momentary setbacks. You have to condition yourself to think about the end goal every time you encounter an obstacle to your plans. You have to convince yourself that the day to day struggle to pay the bills is only a temporary state that you pass through on the road to final success.

One way to do this is to condition yourself to think about the final outcome that you want everyday. For example the amount of money you want to earn or the things that you want to do with that money. The trip to a foreign country, the big house you want to buy, the car you want to drive, the amount of money you wish to give to charity or the colleges you want your children to attend. Constantly thinking about these things will enable you to focus on the final outcome rather than the day to obstacles.

Once you have achieved that focus you’ll be like an Olympic athlete so focused on the final goal, you ignore all the obstacles between you and the goal. When you’ve done that you’ll have achieved the Millionaire Mindset.