Difference Of Analog And Digital TV Antennas

Difference Of Analog And Digital TV Antennas

There are numerous shows individuals can watch with their friends and loved ones. However, this joyful activity can be ruined due to poor signal. Because of this, it is important for individuals to know their antennas. Today, the most popular TV aerials individuals see in their neighborhood is the analog. These TV aerials can be used indoors and outdoors depending on your location or signal. But, with the advancements of technology, more and more individuals are replacing their old TV aerials with digital ones. To know more, below are some of the differences between analog and digital antennas.


One of the main differences of analog and digital TV antennas is its frequency. All televisions rely on frequency in order to obtain signals. However, antennas make use of different frequencies to provide you with optimum viewing experience. As of now, TV signals make use of two types of frequencies. The lower frequency is used by old antennas, meanwhile, the higher frequency is used by digital TV antennas.

Picture Quality

Analog and digital antennas also differ in producing pictures for your television. As mentioned above, old antennas make use of lower frequency, which mean frequencies can be interfered that can affect the quality of picture transmitted to your televisions. On the other hand, digital antennas provide better quality since it uses higher frequency which provides better and more stable signal.


Another difference of analog and digital TV antennas is the way it degrades on your TV screen. When using old antennas, individuals can still watch shows even with weak signal. However, the quality of the picture can be very poor that causes blurs. On the contrary, when using digital TV aerials, televisions will stop displaying or may turn to black when signals are weak.


Lastly, these TV aerials also differ in terms of installation. When installing old TV aerials, individuals are required to look for areas that there are no hindrances. Apart from that, antennas must be installed on high areas to receive better signal. As for digital TV antennas, specialists state that installing such device is more complicated since you need to consider numerous factors. For one, individuals need to optimize the antenna’s placement. Next, individuals must orient and optimize the antenna itself.

These are only some of the differences between analog and digital TV antennas individuals need to be aware of to ensure that they can use the right TV aerial which can provide better and clearer shows.