To Anyone Who Needs The Saving Power of Jesus Christ

To Anyone Who Needs The Saving Power of Jesus Christ

Open your Bible to Romans 10:13 it says… For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

The Lord is not neglecting you and has not forgotten you. He’s waiting for you! He knows exactly what is going on in every situation that concerns you. If you have not received Christ as your Lord and Saviour, NOW IS THE TIME! Not because your behavior is perfect but because you need to be saved by the perfect person Jesus. Say, praise the Lord!

Praise gets His attention! Look to Jesus, the Jamb of God and turn your eyes away from yourself. Instead of doing what your old sinful nature ( your flesh ) wants to do, you can do what God wants you to do. His love pursues you and draws you to Himself.

Jesus wants you to know Him personally and to discover what it means to walk with Him everyday. Today, I’m writing this article to anyone who needs the saving power of Jesus Christ. Even when you’ve failed time after time and messed up again and again. Even if you feel unfulfilled, unsettled or need new direction. You may not be even living a life that honors God. But today, you can start seeking after God in prayer for a new change.

You don’t have to be empty, confused, frustrated or lost. You can come to Jesus and make the scriptures the foundation of your life everyday. The Bible isn’t just for Preachers. Bible reading helps you in your time of weakness. Jesus is your way to victory! You see, the Holy Spirit has been given for many reasons, but one is to help you live the right way that pleases God.

Today, call upon the name of the Lord and be saved! Surrender every area of your life to Jesus. Turn to Him for the strength and encouragement you need. God wants you to live a higher life, with Him always involved. God knows your struggle! You don’t have to try to figure it all out. If you constantly try to figure it out, you will get frustrated.

Turn your problems and situations over to Jesus. He extends his hand and says COME TO ME! How will you respond to his love today? Make it your spiritual goal to seek His blueprint for your life and then follow it. It starts with a desire to live for Christ. I’m writing this to anyone who needs the saving power of Jesus Christ.

Ask Jesus into your life today! Jesus wants to put your feet on a new path, a better path, a spiritual path. You see, you can’t let natural thinking talk you out of it. You may wonder how can I be saved? God has His plan written in the scriptures for you. It starts with a burning desire for Jesus Christ! Confess that you need to be saved!

Lift up your voice and call on the name of Jesus! The arms of Jesus are always wide open, full of love, mercy and forgiveness. Today, God gives you an open invitation to be saved by His Son. Will you receive it? Will you let Jesus change the direction of your life? Now, raise your hands and say, I’m coming to Jesus and there’s no turning back! Say it, three times!