Tragedy Into Victories

Tragedy Into Victories

As I was walking exercising the other day, I noticed the exercise benches and other areas taped off stating “do not enter” then on another days’ visit there are new post stating “exercise at your own risk” with a short disclaimer with the park not being responsible if you or I were to get the Corona virus or became sick for any reason.

I began to wonder just how many times has this park equipment been cleaned. Is this the new normal? Will this pandemic continue in such a way that it will cause many businesses, the government, and many of us at large to pay attention to our surrounding for cleanliness? Think about it, how many times have you walked into a restaurant or any other place and the atmosphere was not as clean as you and I thought it should have been?

Though, this Corona virus is a temporary contagious respiratory illness that has caused the deaths of more than enough people, hovering over 200,000 deaths as of this writing in the US alone, out of all this; there has come an awareness, a way to see things differently than ever before. Even though unemployment skyrocketed to record highs during this period of the virus; other opportunities for creativity has come to light. More than enough people have created their own face mask and this can lead to financial blessings to the creators if he or she were to choose to make face mask covering as a business venture. Indeed, by wearing face masks they are beneficial to help prevent certain illnesses, and they are something new for us all to adjust to in times like these.

Is this a fad or the new normal? Overall, this is just a temporary normal for most people in general. Although, these face covering may be permanent for those who may choose to wear them if he or she has chronic upper respiratory health conditions. No telling how long businesses and other entities will continue with this new normal of extra cleaning, six feet social distancing at grocery stores, restaurants, job interviews, and even on the job. One thing that is certain and should never change is to have perseverance to endure during challenging times. The outcome of all this negative news we hear in the media of people dying, being sick and afflicted; can be overwhelming, but when your heart is overwhelmed be led to the “Rock” that is higher than your problems. Psalms 61:2. There are positives that has come to pass as well.

We see people giving to others, lending helping hands with drive-up food banks from different charitable organizations and doing other innovative things like drive-through graduations, birthday celebrations, drive-in concerts, and virtual events of many kinds including church services. All in all, we see the true hero’s of first responders’ caring for those in need during times of uncertainties, risking their own lives, attending to the needs for the benefit of others. The pitfalls, tragedies, and a host of other calamities’ in life helps build character. Each of us are here to make a difference in the world, let’s all contribute and share the God-given gifts and talents He has equipped and blessed us with. Turn your tragedies into victories and let God use you!