12 Month Millionaire – Four Reasons Why People Will Not Buy From You

12 Month Millionaire – Four Reasons Why People Will Not Buy From You

Would You love to DISCOVER THE SECRET of Getting More People to Buy From You?

I mean increasing your sales!

Why do people not buy from you?

Do you blame the elements, your bad luck, your family, the economy or something about you?

Perish the thoughts.

Vincent James 12 Month Millionaire reveals to you the simple secrets to getting more people to buy from you.

In less than 10 minutes you can learn how to improve the response rate of your mails, letters, web sales page, and all your direct response marketing offers.


There are four reasons people will not buy from you, though the four reasons outlined is on direct marketing; It still rings true in Internet Marketing.

The Four Reasons:





1. Notice: They do not notice your mail. Your email doesn’t get delivered. I mean how can somebody buy from you or take you up on your offer if he/she is completely clueless about you and your services.

So your number 1 priority to increase your sales and conversion is to make sure your target audience notice or receive your sales copy.

2. INTEREST: They simply don’t want your product. You got to be better marketer than Jay Abraham, a better Copywriter than the Dan Kennedy’s and Gary Halbert’s combined to mail a list of Eskimos on Air Conditioners.

Research your niche and fit your offer to the needs, wants of the group.

3. AFFORDABILITY: In affordability Vincent James uses the mortgage business to drive his point home. How many people you know can buy their homes in Cash? Using mortgage financing many can afford it. You can adopt this strategy in your offers, if what you are selling is pricey; why not break up the payment, thereby attracting more qualified leads and buyers.

4. BELIEVABILITY: Another reason is that they do not believe you, your product and your claims. Using testimonials correctly can swing your prospect to you. We all need someone else to substantiate a stranger’s claim.

If you resolve these four reasons, you’ll surely skyrocket your sales.

There’s a simple twist you can make to one of the four reasons that will help you explode your sales.

This is an extract from the book Vincent James 12 Month Millionaire.