Jesus Stands Out Above the Others

Jesus Stands Out Above the Others

Moses must’ve been a very special person.

God called him even before he was born. I don’t think God waited for his birth to formulate the emergency plan to save his life in a reed basket. The plan was in the bag. His mom just had to do it.

God knew his people would have to be saved from slavery. Years earlier, God’s plan is put into action. And even though people come and mess up the plan, God turns it around so that He still achieves his goal.

It seems as if Moses jeopardised God’s plan by murdering the Egyptian, because that suddenly downgraded him from hero to murderer. But God came as a voice in a bush and told him about the plan.

And although Moses refused to do it, reminding God of his stammering and all his other faults, it didn’t stop God. It must’ve been the stick that became a snake that opened Moses’ eyes.

With God in and with Moses, he performed one miracle after the other. He negotiated relentlessly with the Egyptian king. He ignored all the king’s insults and being chased away.

I wonder what Moses was thinking when they came to the river. Remember, he first had to step into the water before they could go through. I wonder if he was afraid of the Israelites laughing at him, because it was fairly outrageous.

But he did it.

And God continued to do many special things through him. Water flowed from a rock, manna rained from heaven, he carried the laws written by God’s finger from the mountain, and much more. It’s understandable that the Jews have so much respect for him, almost worshipping him as the saviour, to the extent that they completely missed Jesus as He walked among them.

Jesus is so much more: 3Moses was also faithful, but Jesus gets far more honour. Jesus doesn’t do his own thing like Moses. Jesus doesn’t lose his temper. Jesus doesn’t murder. Jesus is not afraid. Jesus doesn’t get tired of his children. Jesus is in a different class completely.

Yes, Moses achieved a lot and saved the Israelites from slavery. But Jesus is the real Saviour who saves us from begin enslaved by the devil and reserves our space in the real Promised Land. And all of this for free.

But even more, Jesus left his Spirit behind to help us, to take us by the hand, to walk with us and to be our Friend. Moses could never do that!

We must give Jesus his rightful place in the universe. He is the Son of God. He must come and live in our hearts and we must follow Him. Then we’ll hurt less and see the beauty in life. Let’s try and live like that.


Hebrews 3:1-6


How important is Jesus in your life?

Do you follow Him?

What do you have to do differently?


Jesus, You are the King of my life. I only want to follow You. I don’t always get it right, but I’m trying my best. All honour and glory to you! Amen.