Ashley Qualls: Teenage Millionaire

Ashley Qualls: Teenage Millionaire

If you believe that there is no money to be made online and everything is one big scam, you need to take a close look at the case of young Ashley Qualls.

It all started at 8!

When she was just 8 years old, Ashley borrowed $8 from her mother. Reason being she wanted to start her own website.

She took the money her mother gave her and bought a domain name and then created a website of her own.

A hobby that turned out to be a money making machine!

The website was just a hobby for Ashley. It was nothing serious. But then things took a different turn.

Very suddenly, her website began to blossom and she soon started to gross $70,000 from it, every month!

And by 9…

By the time she was 9, she was extremely engrossed with her site and she started spending hours on it. Even while she was in the kitchen, she was busy playing computer games and studying the basics of web designing.

Then in the year 2004, she harnessed whatever knowledge she had gained and built

The main purpose of her website

Whateverlife was started by Ashley so that she could put her web designs on display. It was just a hobby for her.

Although the site found wide acceptance, it only gained momentum when she devised a way to customize pages of MySpace.

That was the turning point!

Very soon, all of her friends wanted to get their own pages personalized. And they could do so easily because Ashley was offering them layouts that were free to use on My Space.

Plus, she was also posting graphics on her own site.

The money started to roll in

Soon, Ashley started earning a lot of money from her site by way of AdSense and paid ads.

Her site now receives more than 7 million visitors and it has over 60 million page views – every month!

Today, Ashley’s site gets more traffic than and!

There is a lesson that can be learned from Ashley

First and foremost, anyone can make money online and no, the internet is not just one big scam.

When you are talking about making money online you do not have to bother about things like race, age and gender! The main thing is, you must work hard and believe that no matter what you can make it. Ashley probably did not consciously use thepower of positive thinking, however she probably believed that she could make her website work. For Ashley her website was not just about money, it was about making her site the best site that it could be. The money came as a result of sheer hard work and dedication to perfecting her site.

Do what you love online!

Just get online and have a passion for what you are doing. Do what you love most and…

The money will just follow! Ashley Qualls has proven that beyond any doubt, no wonder then that she is now a millionaire!