Dengue Fever Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Dengue Fever Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Dengue (articulated DENgee) fever is an agonizing, incapacitating mosquito-borne infection caused by any of four firmly related dengue infections. These infections are identified with the infections that reason West Nile contamination and yellow fever.

An expected 390 million dengue diseases happen worldwide every year, with around 96 million bringing about sickness. Most cases happen in tropical ranges of the world, with the most serious hazard happening in:

The Indian subcontinent

Southeast Asia

Southern China


The Pacific Islands

The Caribbean (with the exception of Cuba and the Cayman Islands)



Focal and South America (with the exception of Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina)

Most cases in the United States happen in individuals who gotten the contamination while voyaging abroad. In any case, the hazard is expanding for individuals living along the Texas-Mexico outskirt and in different parts of the southern United States. In 2009, an episode of dengue fever was recognized in Key West, Fla.

Dengue fever is transmitted by the chomp of an Aedes mosquito tainted with a dengue infection. The mosquito ends up noticeably contaminated when it chomps a man with dengue infection in their blood. It can’t be spread specifically starting with one individual then onto the next individual.

Manifestations of Dengue Fever

Manifestations, which typically start four to six days after contamination and keep going for up to 10 days, may incorporate

Sudden, high fever

Serious cerebral pains

Torment behind the eyes

Serious joint and muscle torment




Skin rash, which seems two to five days after the beginning of fever

Gentle dying (such a nose drain, draining gums, or simple wounding)

Some of the time, indications are mellow and can be mixed up for those of this season’s cold virus or another viral contamination. More youthful kids and individuals who have never had the contamination have a tendency to have milder cases than more seasoned youngsters and grown-ups. Be that as it may, major issues can create. These incorporate dengue hemorrhagic fever, an uncommon entanglement portrayed by high fever, harm to lymph and veins, seeping from the nose and gums, broadening of the liver, and disappointment of the circulatory framework. The manifestations may advance to enormous dying, stun, and passing. This is called dengue stun disorder (DSS).

Individuals with debilitated safe frameworks and also those with a moment or ensuing dengue disease are accepted to be at more serious hazard for creating dengue hemorrhagic fever.