How Important Is Health Insurance for International Students?

How Important Is Health Insurance for International Students?

If you are planning to study in New Zealand, is health insurance for international students necessary? After all they have an excellent public health system in NZ. Unfortunately this is not free for people from overseas until they have residency. A visa that allows you to study or to work is not the same.

There are lots of things you need to consider when coming to study from another country. You’ll need to make sure that your health and welfare is looked after. If you are stressed because you need to find a place to live, or you are unwell, this stress can affect your ability to learn and take in new information. Ensuring your basic needs are met helps you to improve your work levels and means you have the energy and strength to focus on what you really came to learn.

If you are coming to learn at an English school, they can generally arrange a home stay or some other sort of accommodation for you. A home stay is a good way to immerse yourself into the kiwi culture and also helps you at the beginning as all your meals are prepared (even if they might taste different to what you are used to) and you know how much it costs and do not have to worry about other expenses.

You’ll also have a mother or father figure to keep an eye on you if you do get sick or injured. Health insurance that has been designed for international students will protect you from becoming too unwell or injured to work. While accidents happen, it’s good to be prepared for any eventuality and get the care you need when you need it.

Being able to look after your money, when learning in a new country, is important. It’s easy to lose track of your expenses so having set rates for things such as your accommodation, your transport (if you do not have a car – a bus pass makes catching buses and trains really easy) and your medical bills.

You will then have more resources on tap to go exploring in your new country a little more. You’ll be able to visit beaches and farms and find out what makes New Zealand so special. And if you do happen to get a little carried away and injure yourself, you’ll know you are covered with health insurance for international students.