Poor Slobs Guide to Becoming a Millionaire

Poor Slobs Guide to Becoming a Millionaire

So you want to be a millionaire? Good for you, who doesn’t. Problem is that the world needs lot’s of ditch diggers too and the odds of becoming a millionaire are so incredibly stacked against you, that there is no one in Vegas or heaven for that matter, who will take the bet.

Most experts will agree, and unfortunately, so do I, that for you to get rich, you will have to learn to defeat your old way of doing things and try something in your life that is completely different from whatever it is that you are doing now. Is this an easy thing to do? No, and it is probably the number one reason why most of us do not get rich. Change equals effort and effort equals most people not getting rich.

Some of you reading this book will be inspired and compelled to reach for the stars and start becoming millionaires. Most of you, however, will not. Sorry to have to put it so bluntly, but that’s the way it is. To become a millionaire you will have to make radical changes in your life to give you the edge that will help you to gain access into this unique club. It can be done. But let there be no doubt in your mind that those who are already rich have no desire to let you into that club. To achieve this, you will have to work hard and make drastic changes in your life to become a member.

This book pulls no punches and will spell out for you the way it really is. You may not like it, but it is the way that it is, so stop kidding yourself. For the most part, this book will center on those of us fortunate enough to live here in the good old US of A. Believe it or not, we live in one of the few places in the world where we actually have the luxury of being able even to worry about the fact that we are not so fortunate.

Most of us complain about the way things are in life, when most of the time the main thing that is wrong, is that we are too lazy and complacent to do anything about what it is that we need to change. Take for example McDonald’s.

A few weeks ago I was reading about how McDonald’s opened a new, what was considered by McDonald’s standards, healthy version of their fast food slop shop in Columbus Ohio. The only difference between this slop hole and the typical McDonald’s, were a few stationary bikes that kids could peddle in a feeble attempt to work off the massive amounts of food that they had just eaten…

Hummm let’s see, that seems to make sense. In the accompanying picture I saw a twelve year old, extremely overweight kid smiling and sitting in front of a Big Mac, extra large order of fries, four cheese burgers, an apple pie and a bucket sized coke to wash it down with. Now according to the article, Jr. Bulimic consumed the meal and then burned off 60 of the 2800 calories he had consumed ridding his stationary bike.

Point is that McDonald’s understands human nature better then most corporations. They know that all they have to do is make it look like there doing something about peoples health, and it will give people a reason to justify gorging on McDonald’s luscious entrées. Humans will do whatever feels good, regardless of the financial and health cost. And mentality is the source of many of our flaws. That is what our generation is all about.

Is there anything wrong with that? Well, yes and no. Everything has become extremely complicated when it comes to living in a society where the values have been dictated by corporate media advertising trying to get us all to buy something that we really don’t need. We are unique in the sense that we are the first generation of humans who have been completely weaned on corporate media advertising. From birth to death we are bombarded with advertising. That includes news, books, movies, and anything else that we purchase to gather what we call information.

In this book I will explain everything that you need to know to survive and prosper in these tough economic times. I will show you how you can find ways to avoid some of the financial curve balls that life throws your way, and how to change what you can do to become a successful poor slob.

After reading my book, you should be able to, at minimum, be able to begin to claw your way to the edge of financial wealth. After reading my book, you will have no one except yourself to blame when you end up a miserable failure. Follow the advice in this book you might end up with a million dollars. Don’t follow the advice; you’ll end up on live at five climbing atop a rooftop and shooting up the local neighborhood.

Unless you are prepare to change, life will beat you too a pulp and the only thing that you will leave behind is a small skid mark in the underwear of life.

This book is not a system to get rich. I make no promises that you will become a millionaire by reading this book. What I do promise, is that if you read this book and follow at least some of what is suggested here then you will at least have a pot to piss in and maybe some cash left over so that you can begin the long hard slog to becoming a millionaire.