Exotic Fruits

Exotic Fruits

While we know that fruits are healthy, we might not be familiar with some of the exotic varieties. But such tropical fruits are more available now than they were in the past. Still, many of them will elicit a “What’s that?” response when we see them at our local supermarket. Keep an eye out for these types:

1. Durian

Don’t let the smell of this fruit prevent you from enjoying it. This pear-shaped fruit has an uneven skin and an unpleasant smell. The fruit seems to have thorns covering its husk. Yet this large fruit is tasty, and can be used to make several types of products. In fact, in Southeast Asia, Durian has earned the moniker “king of fruits.”

2. Jackfruit

The jackfruit is native to regions in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Shaped like a pear, this tropical fruit has the appearance of a huge rock with moss on it. And while this fruit can weigh as much as 30 kilograms (one of the world’s largest fruits), it’s definitely edible. The skin is a dark green and the inside is yellow. You can enjoy this fruit both raw and cooked.

3. Kiwi

Although it’s become a moniker for New Zealanders (with some of the world’s best kiwis being grown in the country), this fruit is actually indigenous to southern China. Although it’s a tropical fruit, the kiwi is grown in regions throughout the world. Kiwis have a soft, green flesh that is quite tasty.

4. Mangosteen

While you’ve likely heard of the mango, you may not be aware of the mangosteen. This brown-purple fruit is somewhat round and contains a shiny skin. It’s particularly popular in the region where it grows naturally: Southeast Asia. The mangosteen contains segments of flesh that are soft and juicy. This fruit has a delightful sweet and sour flavor that is truly delightful.

5. Papaya

This fruit, when ripe, has a sweet and juicy flavor. While the orange-yellow flesh of the fruit resembles a mango’s, the papaya has a distinct flavor. Besides being eaten for its fruit, people often use it to tenderize fish or meat.

6. Passion fruit

This sweet-smelling berry has a light taste that’s fantastic. The fruit contains several seeds and a jelly-like pulp that has a sour yet tasty flavor. Passion fruit is native to Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. The two types that exist are the bright yellow type, and the purple types. The yellow variety of passion fruit can grow to be the size of a grapefruit.

7. Pomegranate

This tropical fruit is native to the Middle East, but has become quite popular throughout Asia. Pomegranate fruit contains ruby-red transparent kernels that each has a bitter pit. While quite tasty, consuming a pomegranate requires a significant amount of time. People enjoy pomegranates not only for their flesh, but also for their juices.

To add some variety to your daily regimen of fruits, consider trying some of these exotic fruits. While they may look and smell different, trying them can create a new and exciting experience for your senses!