Yeast Diet – What You Eat Can Provide a Yeast Infection Remedy

Yeast Diet – What You Eat Can Provide a Yeast Infection Remedy

What is Candida?

The yeast diet is designed to help you cure candida. Candida is a yeast infection that is most often associated with the vaginal area. Candida can appear other places as well. It often shows up in the mouth. This is referred to as thrush. It is difficult to eat when you have thrush because of the pain that is part of the yeast infection. Candida is a fungus that lives off of sugars and carbohydrates. It can be caused by many different things. People with diabetes will often have a problem with candida. Antibiotics are really bad at causing yeast infections, as are steroids. The main cause of yeast infections though is diets that are high in sugar.

Foods to Avoid

Most meats are actually good for candida, but if the meat is breaded you want to stay away from it. There should be no margarine used on the yeast diet. Stick to real butter for the duration of the diet. Don’t eat potatoes for the first couple of weeks that you are on the yeast diet. Stay away from coffee and tea. You can drink herbal teas as long as it is in moderation. Foods that contain yeast, such as pastries, alcohol and bread must be avoided. Do not eat pickles, soy sauce or green olives. Peanuts are not good for you when you are fighting candida. Neither is peanut oil. It is okay to eat almonds and walnuts, however. You should eat nothing that contains vinegar. This means no mustard, BBQ sauce, or ketchup. You should also avoid mayonnaise since it too contains vinegar.

Foods to Eat

It is good to eat yeast diet vegetables like cabbage, bell peppers, and broccoli. Okra, celery, string beans, cucumber, lettuce, radish, garlic, onion and tomatoes can all be eaten. There are many more vegetables that you can enjoy as well. Eat plenty of vegetables while on the yeast diet.

Many fruits produce sugar and all fruit juices should be avoided because of the sugar in them. There are several fruits which you can enjoy on the yeast diet. Peaches, plums, kiwi, orange, persimmons, tangerines, and apricots are some of the fruits you can enjoy. Even green apples and grapefruits are good for candida. They have acid in them that kills yeast.

Some of the best meats available to you that will help you with candida are pork, poultry and other fowl, beef, sausage, goat and lamb. Some of the best seafood for the yeast diet is shrimp, wild salmon, catfish and other fresh water fish, octopus, squid, halibut, cod, flounder, snail, and red snapper. Bass and all trout types are good for candida infections.

It is important to drink plenty of water. Water will flush the toxins from the body. Drink spring water and some distilled water every day.

You don’t have to stay on the yeast diet forever either. When you are cured of candida you can go back to a regular diet. It is recommended that you stick to this yeast diet, however. You will feel better and the candida will not return as long as you are on the yeast diet.