The Impact of Changed Thinking

The Impact of Changed Thinking

We are today as a result of our thoughts yesterday and Where we find ourselves tomorrow is also the result of our thoughts today. A person cannot change another person because we can only be responsible to people and not for people. I can only teach the values of changed thinking and How to make these changes but the people are responsible to make these changes themselves.

Only When you begin to make the right changes to your thinking do other things begin to turn out right and fall in place. It is not enough to change your thinking pattern till it begins to make practical impact in the life of other people around you and your life as well. I began the process of changed thinking many years ago, but couldn’t make any impacts till I realized these practical steps.



Everyman is a product of thoughts and your thoughts greatly connects with your beliefs.

Microsoft Bill Gates many years ago had a spark of thought Which later turned the information Technology to what it is today. Though the thought was so unbelievable by others around him, He believed and pursued with great zeal and enthusiasm irrespective of the challenges he faced Then. Today his thoughts and belief have made a mark in the sands of time, Which cannot be erased.

Your thoughts can never be productive or responsible until you believe therefore there is No thought without believe.

You cannot attain a level you don’t see yourself reach

-Dubem Onoh



The only obstacle between a man and what he wants from life is often the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible. Your belief process is never complete till your exceptions are in place. Microsoft Bill Gates would not have made such head way If He had not expected Where he is today.

Your belief is ineffective and incomplete till you expect. Your expectations becomes effective not When you sit around and expect things to happen just in your mind, expectations is beyond the mind, expectations has to do with action. Therefore your actions backs up your expectations.



Changing your thought requires the right attitude, our emotions is the driving power of our life and the state of our emotions determines our attitude.

A lot of people don’t really understand what attitude truly is, I have been guilty of this ignorance till I came across these definitions of attitude.

What is Attitude? I believe…

It is the advanced man of our true selves.

It roots are inward but it’s fruits are outward.

It is our best friend or worst enemy.

It is more honest, more consistent than our words.

It is a thing Which draws people to us and repels them.

It is never content till it’s expressed.

It is the librarian of our past.

It is the speaker of our present.

It is the prophet of our future.

Your expectations follows your attitude, you know what is in your heart When you look at your attitude.



The reason Why people with the intention of success have not gotten to their expectations is simply because they always do things the old way and expect an outstanding result different from the old result.

Over 7 billion people on earth performs because everyone has a goal, therefore my performance depends on my goals Then my goals depends on my attitude. But what makes you different from other people is your outstanding performance Which is as a result of changed thinking.

People become so satisfied, overjoyed and impressed by goal setting and not goal getting. Therefore focus on goal getting and not on goal setting.

I draw an ending note with this syllogism

Major premise – Change is personal I need to change.

Minor Premise -Change is possible, I am able to change.

Conclusion – Change is possible, I will be rewarded by change.