Kashi Vishvanath Temple

Kashi Vishvanath Temple

Truly a magnificent and very old place of worship for Hindus. It’s in Varanasi (the oldest existing place in the world) or Kashi in UP. The history of this temple is chequered. It has had to bear the brunt of invasions and near elimination perpetrated by Muslim invaders. The temple is known as a central part of worship in Shaiva Philosophy.

It was constructed and reconstructed many a time. Aurangzeb tried to demolish it. He partly succeeded as well.

In an authentic book ‘Indian History as told by its own historians’ Eliot and Dawson enumerated upon the fate of Kashi Vishvanath and how it faced and flayed the ire of Muslim invaders.

Mind you, the writer has no intention to venture into a rather unpalatable discussion involving Hindu-Muslim unity or diversity. The main aim is to highlight the importance of this temple as a very important temple of Lord Shiva. Yet, a fleeting reference to the demolitions that Kashi Vishvanath Temple faced cannot be overlooked.

The iconoclastic Muslim invaders found this temple to be ‘The Symbol of Hindu religious supremacy’ (to quote Sir Jadunath Sarkar in his essay, ‘Islam and icons’). By demolishing this, the pride of Hindus was severely and seriously dented.

To quote a Persian adage in this context, ‘Choon ast azm inhimaad tur az e dil infaas’ (By dislodging the main power or the centre of power, the whole system can be shaken). This was the primary objective of its innumerable destruction but thanks to the indomitable spirit of the deity or its worshippers, it always bounced back.

‘Tod dali ek-ek eent mandir ki/Phir bhi mandir jyon ka tyon raha bana’ (Every brick of the temple was broken into smithereens/Yet, the temple remained intact). Naubat Rai ‘Nazar’ (coeval of Munshi Premchand) aptly stated this fact about Kashi Vishvanath in his above-mentioned couplet. He hailed from Kashi.

One more explanation of Muslims’ wrath is that the temple is known as VISHWANATH/VISHVANATH (The master/saviour/feeder or the world). Since an emperor in Mughal traditions was known as AALAMPANAAH/JAHAANPANAAH (same meaning as that of Vishvanath), it was perceived as an affront to the invincibility of the (Muslim) rulers by the Hindus.

On a flipside, the Kashi Vishvanath Temple is known for its strict entry into the sanctum sanctorum. It boasts of accosting and stopping even Mrs Indira Gandhi at the entrance of the temple because according to the tradition of the temple, only a Hindu can enter and Mrs Gandhi after getting married to Feroz Gandhi (a Parsi or fire-worshipper) was no longer a Hindu.

Yours truly was also questioned and when he told that he’d no faith. He was denied the entry. One may call it too rigid religious exclusivity. But which religion doesn’t adhere to fanaticism some way or the other?

Nevertheless, it’s a primary centre of worship for Hindus and is known worldwide. It’s believed that a dying devotee at Kashi Vishvanath can feel the caring succor of the Shiva himself. Kashi Vishvanath temple timings are 3 am to 11 pm.

Legends and stories aside, Kashi Vishvanath has a place that’s unparalleled in Hindu divinity and mythology. A visit to Varanasi is incomplete sans its Darshan, provided you’re a ‘pure’ Hindu! No religio-ethnic adulteration is allowed! Keep this warning on mind before you go there.