Why I Am Not Rich – This Is a Very Good Question

Why I Am Not Rich – This Is a Very Good Question

Why I am not rich? Have you ever wonder why you are not rich?

This is probably one of the best questions you have ever asked yourself.

Well, a few days ago, I was browsing a forum thread.

Someone asked this question:

‘Will you be willing to do whatever it takes for 10 years to make $10 million dollars?’

There are many interest replies but there is one particular reply that caught my attention.

‘Well, if there is a guarantee that I will definitely make 10 million dollars in 10 years, then I don’t mind working hard for it.’

Can you see anything wrong with that reply?

Well, is there really any guarantee in life? Do you think people become millionaires by accident?

Do you think people become millionaires because there is a guarantee?

Or is it because they dare to take the plunge even though there is no guarantee that they will be making million of dollars?

You really need to take some time to think about this question.

I know it may sound cliche. But whether you can become a millionaire or not is largely dependent on your mindset.

If you don’t have the right mindset, you will probably never become rich in your entire life.

So, how can cultivate the right mindset?

Obviously, the first step is to know what the right minset is.

Here are a few principles that you may want to adopt in your life.

1) Don’t Complain

Instead of wasting energy complaining about why you are poor, why not doing something more productive. Why not spend your energy doing something that will help you become rich.

2) Take the Plunge

If becoming rich is so important to you, then you need to take the plunge eventually. Procrastinating will not get you anywhere. Ten years later, you will still be asking, ‘Why I am not rich?’ Don’t be silly. You already know the answer. Stop asking the same question again and again.

3) Be Willing to Sacrifice

Instead of spending time watching TV, why not spend the time reading up? Instead of spending time gossiping, why not spend time to cultivate meaningful relationship? The sacrifice is worthwhile in the long run.