Vandwellers: Where to Stay Warmer in the Winter and Cooler in the Summer

Vandwellers: Where to Stay Warmer in the Winter and Cooler in the Summer

First and foremost if you are a mobile vandweller and can go to warmer areas for the winter and cooler places for the summer, it will make a huge difference for your comfort level and greatly reduce your energy costs and needs for related supplies. So following the seasons and climates of specific areas is a huge advantage for the mobile dweller. Following are some specific areas to consider to stay warmer in the winter cooler in the summer.

Where to go to stay Warmer in the Winter:

In the South head to the coast of GA or SC or down into Florida for your warmer temps, or over on the Gulf Coast (said to be warmer) check out the Florida panhandle or other areas along the coast including many southern and coastal Texas areas. Obviously South and Central Florida also have warmer temperatures. I personally was raised in South Florida and many choose to winter there. However, not all areas/cities in South FL are vandweller or self-built camper/vehicle friendly. So just check the area out ahead of time to make sure they have legal overnight parking places in addition to the paid RV Campgrounds, such as Walmarts, travel centers, casinos (the last time I was there, there were no casinos but just in case), where overnight parking is legal.

There are many areas in the West to go and they are generally quite RV/Vandweller friendly in most areas. Topping the list is most of Arizona, including Phoenix, Mesa and Tucson. Many of its neighboring states are also much warmer than other areas of the USA, and again many areas are RV/Vandweller friendly for the most part.

Much of the CA coast is warmer, however many if not most of these areas are not RV and/or Vandwelling friendly. As a matter of fact, these include many of the areas with active laws against people sleeping in their vehicles (including RVs) unless they are in campgrounds or other areas as defined by their local ordinances. Again this is a personal choice. It may work out fine for you.

Where to go to stay Cooler in the Summer:

In the south, check out Banner Elk, NC! Banner Elk is a very scenic mountain area obviously in the higher elevations. When other areas are in the 90s and up with major humidity, Banner Elk is most often in the 70s and even in its hottest heat waves, Banner Elk’s summer days rarely ever top mid 80s. However, as is often a factor in mountainous areas, it is important to consider that there are some areas of Banner Elk it may be difficult to get a cell or WiFi signal. For a little more populated area just a few miles down the road and typically 3 to 5 degrees F warmer check out the cool little college town in scenic and somewhat eclectic Boone NC.

In the Northern Central states, check out cooler temps in WI and MN around Lake Michigan and further west around Lake Superior in WI and Northern MN. The most perfect summer weather area is in the North Pacific, from Port Angeles all the way up to Vancouver Canada. Wonderful temperate weather and bordering Olympic National Park and right on the beautiful Pacific Ocean! It just doesn’t get a whole lot better weather and beauty wise! Never again will I “full-time” in a hot humid area! ~See ya down the road!

Blessings for Your Journeys, Brenda