Financial Planning – 3 Basic Principles to Seven Figure Retirement

Financial Planning – 3 Basic Principles to Seven Figure Retirement

For those of you who are over 30, please click out of this article. I’d prefer you didn’t throw eggs at the screen! It damages monitors and does nothing for your financial bottom line. For those under 30, here’s the scoop!

If you put $100.00 in a savings account for the next 12 years, from the time you turn 19, when you retire, you’ll have a million bucks in the bank. Can you retire on seven figures? Probably not, but that’s a good start on what you can retire on.

Can you afford $100.00 a month for retirement? You can’t afford not to!

There are some basic principles working in your life, and I want to share them with you. You may not realize they’re working, but they are. And they work in your life, whether you work them, whether you know about them or not, and whether or not you believe in them. They’re still working.

IF you’re over thirty and still lurking, just nod your head…

Principle #1: You have to GIVE to GET.

If you’re not giving 10% to charity, you’re not going to RECEIVE. This basic principle escapes many of us. But the reality is right there in your face, if you don’t give, you don’t get. Check out Bill Gates. See Donald Trump. Look at the wealthiest people you know and ask if they give to charity. If they don’t, they won’t be wealthy long. You MUST give to GET.

Principle #2: Integrity isn’t optional.

Dishonesty will not take you anywhere in life. You must be honest. No a little bit honest. Not honest sometimes. Not honest when it’s convenient. You MUST be HONEST. Without integrity, your life isn’t worth the salt in your bread, and quite frankly, you aren’t worth keeping. If you’ve been dishonest in the past, you can change, but DO IT NOW! Integrity isn’t optional.

Principle #3: Pay yourself first.

10% of everything you earn should go into a savings account that you don’t touch. In fact, it should go into a savings account the minute you get paid. In fact, it should go into the savings account so fast that you don’t even think about anything else you could do with that money. You should NOT touch that money for any reason. Why? Because it’s savings. It’s a requirement that you put it in and don’t take it out. Leave it there and let it grow. That’s why it’s called SAVINGS.

If you want to retire on seven figures, no decimals, click here!