Pattaya Girls Gave Me Reason to Live Again

Pattaya Girls Gave Me Reason to Live Again

There I was 55 years old, being paid good money but unable to put a dent in $80,000 that I owed for 25 years, no girlfriend, divorced 2 times, my children hating me because they had been thoroughly poisoned by their evil mother and now I realised there is something wrong with me mentally because my workmate came up to me and said “Nick in two weeks time I have been here for seven years, doesn’t time fly” you see in my mind I have been at this place about seven months, the fact was though I started two weeks before him.

In hindsight I believe I should have gone to the doctors and got some antidepressants, but in my state of mind I didn’t think of it and I didn’t have anyone to suggest it. Knowing that something wasn’t right in my mind I’ve decided to make every day count, and being thoroughly over and done with western women and the way they treat men so I decided to something a little different, Russian. I gave myself a motto, “get a life and find a wife” I turned to Russian dating sites and a local dating site which I found an interesting girl and was communicating via Skype we agreed to meet (now I love, I talk it types programs like Dragon NaturallySpeaking but I was using the Mac version) I said “okay I’ll meet you at six” but it typed, okay I’ll meet you for sex, I hit enter before reading it, but when I did read it OMG and before I could type sorry what I really meant was, she said okay what time should we meet, well blow me down, was my luck starting to change? Yes it was because she was also an accountant and when she learned of my story she took me to Fox Symes got my debt reduced by half and the other half of the to pay off over five years without any interest, it is called a part nine debt agreement and I didn’t have to go bankrupt so that allowed me to continue to travel.

I started going to the gym and teaching myself Russian language, trying not to get caught up by the scammers, I came across a girl I believe was real and decided to go and meet her, the trip took about 36 hours via Japan I vowed never to go that way again, however Russia is quite amazing and thoroughly recommend everybody to put it on the bucket list just for the weirdness and historical sake.

I arrived in Moscow and took the train to St Petersburg (fantastic) and there she was exactly the same as in the photos and so I was about to start a along and beautiful relationship, so I thought.

I left Russia and returned to Sydney having now a beautiful young Russian girlfriend, writing to her every day and about every six months traveling back to Russia to see her. My job was building and promoting a photographic websites (3 of them) selling cameras and photographic gear, after returning from Russia I approach my boss and said “we could save a lot of money employing Russians to keep the websites updated and promoted” he basically laughed me out of the office.

Well years past I ended up marrying that Russian and bringing her to Australia, she was basically unemployable so I taught her photography, how to sell and to think and be a manager of a photographic retail store, (my boss owned 11 of them) she eventually became one of the best salesmen and was promoted to managing one of the stores which she then meant a Russian man and ran off and left me, alone again naturally, I was still quite fascinated by Russia and Ukraine and kept on going back, sitting alongside me at the office was the programmer who in general conversation asked me how was I getting to Russia this time, I said I’ll spend about five days in Bangkok (because girls are real fun) and then go to Moscow from there, he then suggested instead of Bangkok try Pattaya it’s about 1 1/2 hours south of Bangkok, I said okay so that’s what I did, I went to Pattaya for about five days on my way to Russia and returned to Australia as planned, I effectively packed my bags and went straight back to Pattaya, purchased a five star resort style Pattaya condo from these guys (which is less than half the price as disgusting rundown flat in Sydney) in Pattaya and that is where I have been living for the last seven years, I thoroughly recommend every western man to go to Pattaya and experience what real females are like, if you’re like me and end up living there in what I call the city God gave to men as an apology for creating western women You too will find a reason to live again