5 Imperative Reasons For Immense Popularity of Laravel Framework

5 Imperative Reasons For Immense Popularity of Laravel Framework

Laravel comes as a trailblazing framework that is leveraging PHP to the fullest and helping business organisations to craft custom-made web applications through an agile development process. The immense popularity and growing favour for Laravel are due to its elegant but simple syntax which made the development of web applications with PHP a fun oriented task. Web developers are truly relying on the platform because it easily and quickly solves out the repetitive tasks across all web projects. This saves time which can be spent on other creative tasks such as the writing of custom functions. This resultantly shortened the delivery time and made web development process highly cost-effective. Here’s a summing up the reasons behind towering popularity of Laravel PHP framework among the developers nowadays.

Clarity in documentation and MVC pattern

Every web developer using Laravel gets to experience documentation which is specifically neat, easily understandable and much more organised. This is the reason for the framework to self-proclaim that text will be placed beautifully. Laravel undoubtedly follows the MVC pattern. Being an MVC compliant framework, it comes with a number of built-in functions to choose from and an enhanced development architecture.

Inbuilt Object-oriented libraries

The pre-installed libraries which are object-oriented is one of the key reasons behind the skyrocketing demand for Laravel over other frameworks. Not at all supported in any other PHP frameworks, there are over 20 pre-installed libraries in Laravel of which Authentication library is the best known. It offers improved security features including encryption, CSRF protection, login and database securities.

Integration of mail services

Laravel is known for its simple API for the SwiftMailer library. It provides other drivers too for integration with mail services such as Mailgun, SparPost, SMTP, Amazon SES, Mandrill and so forth to allow the sending of emails via the local or any cloud based servers.

High-end authentication and authorisation

Laravel is predominantly a PHP framework that makes authentication of the web applications pretty fast and simple because everything is already built-in or configured within the framework. While the main concern of most web applications owners is regarding the verification of users and prevent the access of unauthorised users, Laravel relieves them of the tension. It is relatively easy for the owners to organise the authorisation logic of their web application and restrict the access of users to all resources.

Internal templates

Laravel’s blade template is an extremely lightweight yet powerful templating engine and comes as an extensive pre-installed feature of the framework. While this templating engine being highly intuitive makes it easy for developers to work on typical PHP or HTML spaghetti, the blades are also integrated with simple PHP for optimal performance.

Final Note

Laravel is undoubtedly the best PHP framework known for developing compact and robust web applications. It brings in a set of comprehensive features which helps in enhanced customisation of web applications as per client requirements. Besides, its huge collaborative community is a big plus for Laravel development which is dedicated to foster major improvements in the framework from time to time.