Use PSN on Custom Firmware – PSP

Use PSN on Custom Firmware – PSP

I admit that I am a cheapskate. I like free and cheap stuff and I’d prefer not updating my PSP firmware to latest and keep on holding to my 5.03 firmware. Holding to an older firmware has its downside which is, unable to log on PSN and download demo, themes and bought games from PSN shop. And with that today someone brilliant and genius has made us a plug-in that will allow us to log in PSN with older and custom firmware. It doesn’t matter what CFW you’re on 5.55 Gen-D, 5.0.3 Gen-C / D/B whatever, you now can access PSN using this plug-in named PSNLover.

Guide on how to install PSNLover

1. Download PSNLover Beta v1.1.

1.1 Hook up psp to your pc

2. Create a folder name seplugins in your root psp

3. Open up notepad and paste this code

ms0:/seplugins/psnlover.prx 1

save that txt file in seplugins folder and name it vsh.txt

4. Open up notepad again, paste the code again

ms0:/seplugins/psnlover.prx 1

save it in seplugins and name it game.txt

5. extract psnlover.prx into seplugins

6. plug out your psp from pc

7. assuming you already running chickhen and custom firmware, press select and enter recovery menu

find and change this

recovery->configuration->Fake region: Debug Type I

recovery->configuration->M33 Network Update: Disabled or NOT YET

8. press back and select to return to your psp menu. Well done you now may enter PSN shop.