Why Do Guys Act Like They Don’t Care – Here Are the Main Reasons for Their "Cold" Behavior!

Why Do Guys Act Like They Don’t Care – Here Are the Main Reasons for Their "Cold" Behavior!

Men have a way of letting a woman know their feelings by their body language and their behavior. If your guy has been acting like he is not in the least bit interested in you it may be that he actually does! Take a peek at these tips. They will help you to understand this cold behavior of guys better!

They don’t want to seem too smitten

Maybe guys feel that if they are too open about their feelings towards a woman, they seem like guys who cannot control their feelings and look silly. They have an image to protect and won’t do anything to spoil it!

He believes wearing his heart on his sleeve would make him look weak

The fear of looking weak and vulnerable is very real to most macho alpha males and if your guy has a reputation to defend, he will hate to let his feelings show openly. He will do his best to pretend otherwise just so that he does not come across as too open and easily “readable”.

They want the girls to chase them

Though many guys love a good chase, there are others who equally think it is very cool for a girl to do all the chasing! It makes him feel sexy, attractive and “in demand”. This is the reason why he will pretend to be cold and distant so that she will think that he is even more attractive and unavailable and therefore worth chasing.

They hate admitting that they have feelings

Men have this stupid but very real notion that they are not supposed to cry, be mushy and romantic in front of others and basically admit they have feelings and emotions. It is only the women who are “allowed” to cry openly and bare their souls to one and all. Therefore there are many who will act like they don’t care when in fact they do!

They believe it will make her chase him harder

Women are not the only people who believe in reverse psychology! Just as a woman may pretend that she does not care in order to make him chase her all the more, men too pretend that they are not interested just to see her chase him like he was the only eligible man around.

They want to be sure of her feelings first

Many men are wary of showing and admitting their feelings too early. If he is not sure of your feelings for him, and is afraid of making an utter fool of himself by professing his love, he will wait till he is really sure that you love him before committing and showing the world that he loves you.

They want to portray a strong, macho image

What is it about men that make them want to pretend that they don’t care at all? Perhaps it is an instinct to look strong, independent and macho! They feel that if they look the type of man who is not so easily hooked then it will make them all the more irresistible to women.