John Alexander’s How to Become an Alpha Male Review

John Alexander’s How to Become an Alpha Male Review

Before you read on I want to be straight with you. This is a complete and uncensored review and as such I will be covering the pros along with the cons of John Alexander’s book on how to pick up women. What you are about to read are essential details you need to know before grabbing a copy of the book yourself.

So what is John Alexander’s “How to Become an Alpha Male” book exactly?

How to Become an Alpha Male is a comprehensive guide on how to approach women, talk to women, sleep with women, and everything in between.

This book breaks down into great detail all of the aspects of dating women and is much more than just a dating advice book. Whether you are looking for more dates, more sex, a serious relationship, or even just to be friends with more girls this book explains every aspect and angle of accomplishing these tasks.

While you will find specific flirting tips and dating tips that you can implement immediately such as the 3 big behaviors that instantly will separate you from 95% of the men out there (more on this later), you will also find tons of different techniques specific to approaching women, attracting women, sleeping with women, etc. that will take a little practice to master. The great thing is John Alexander provides you with many different “practice” exercises that allow you to work on these techniques before you ever use them in real scenarios.

So often we hear about 2 types of guys: the nice guys (referred to as “beta males” in the manual) and jerks. While jerks often get more women and more action from those women than nice guys do, the fact is there is a 3rd type of guy that gets by far, and I mean BY FAR more women and more action than nice guys and jerks put together. This 3rd type of guy is called an Alpha Male – thus the title How to Become an Alpha Male. This book tells you exactly how you can separate yourself from the nice guys and the jerks and become alpha male. Once an alpha male, you get women on autopilot because at that point, all you have to do is be yourself and you will never be short on prospects, dates, sex, girlfriends, or anything else you could want from women.

The 3 Big Behaviors that Instantly Separate You From 95% of Guys

Avoid these 3 behaviors as John explains in his guide and you really will instantly elevate yourself above almost every other guy out there which gives you a huge advantage when picking up women:

1. Bragging

When talking to women don’t talk up your career, your car, or any of the good characteristics or qualities you think you may possess (even if you really do possess them!). This simply comes across to women as though you are needy, crave attention, or that you are compensating for some area where you are severely lacking

2. Putting Yourself Down

Put simply, think highly of yourself and women will be much more likely to think highly of you. Putting yourself down is a sign of weakness and low self-esteem.

3. Putting Other People Down

Don’t put down other men that are your competition. Jealousy and insecurities about other guys will make you less attractive, NOT more attractive to women.

What are the Cons of How to Become an Alpha Male?

· Some of the tips and advice John teaches will absolutely take you out of your comfort zone. While through his extensive research and experience he has minimized the amount of time you will be uncomfortable, some shy and quieter guys will find a couple of his techniques very uncomfortable (at first) to implement.

· A lot of guys don’t want to hear this, but John tells you that rejection is inevitable. Though it will happen much less often, even once you’ve completely mastered being an Alpha Male you will get rejected. John teaches you exactly how to react to rejection and how to utilize rejection as a tool to improving your success with women.

How About the Pros?

· This truly is a comprehensive, all encompassing guide. From flirting tips to having better sex with women, this guide covers all areas and aspects of your encounters with women.

· It is very straightforward and easy to understand. From self-hypnosis to the 7-Step Seduction System, John explains clearly and concisely numerous tips, techniques, and practice exercises and gives real examples of how to utilize and implement them.

· You will find specific things you can do and say (or not do and say) today, right now, so you will learn how to be more attractive to women: what you say and how you say it, your shoes, your hair, your posture, your eyes, where you should be looking and when, etc. Instantly increase your knowledge of how to talk to women and your success in picking up women.

· This book truly applies to all guys. The information John shares doesn’t just apply to the wealthy, the intelligent, the good looking, the ripped, or whatever else is holding you back. Every guy will learn exactly how to get women.

Conclusion – What Do I Really Think?

Overall, How to Become an Alpha Male is in my opinion the most comprehensive, zero fluff guide out there. It teaches the well below average guy who has had ZERO success with women up until now as well as the above average guy who has had a substantial amount of success with women (whatever they determine success to be, phone numbers, dates, girlfriends, sex, what have you) how to instantly become more attractive to women and more successful with them. John Alexander was still a virgin when he turned 21, not by choice or because of religion, but because he was socially awkward and terrible with women. He can teach you how to overcome anything that is holding you back because he himself overcame them. More than just dating advice for men, How to Become an Alpha Male contains dozens of golden nuggets that I myself have used with very good success.

I hope you have found this review helpful.