How to Use the Bad Boy Formula to Seduce Women Like a True Player

How to Use the Bad Boy Formula to Seduce Women Like a True Player

People have been arguing for a long time now about what type of guys girls happen to prefer. Although many people think that girls would rather be with nice guys, that isn’t actually the truth. The majority of nice guys in today’s day and age actually usually fail in trying to attract the girls that they like.

This piece of fact confirms that girls actually prefer bad guys. Keep reading if you want to know why they do and how you can use this piece of knowledge to your ultimate advantage. Read on to discover the killer formula to be a “Bad Boy” and seduce women like there’s no tomorrow…

How To Use The Bad Boy Formula To Seduce Women Like A True Player – 3 Characteristics You Must Emulate Today

Characteristic #1: They exude confidence. Girls tend to prefer bad guys due to the confidence that they exude and due to their cocksure nature. When it comes to self-esteem, bad guys are exceptional and therefore stand out a lot, especially when in comparison with other guys in today’s day and age.

You should already know by now that self-esteem is a highly desirable trait in guys in the eyes of girls. Bad guys happen to exude the kind of self-esteem that girls genuinely love and this is the reason why girls turn into mush next to them in practically no time.

Characteristic #2: They are challenges. Since girls see a challenge in every bad guy that they meet, they end up falling for him because girls love challenges. Nice guys may always be there when a girl is in need of something, but there is no challenge anywhere in their personalities. This is why nice guys never get a girl’s attraction – at least not as quickly as a bad guy can.

To turn into the ultimate bad guy, you have to pose as a challenge for female pleasure. Stop listening to their requests or, if you do listen, reject them straight away. Soon, girls will end up eating out of the palms of your hands.

Characteristic #3: They are forms of interest. Bad guys are entertaining by nature and can make use of this innate entertaining personality to keep girls happy for a long time. Nice guys, on the other hand, are nothing but boring.

Boredom happens to be the number one killer of attraction when it comes to seducing girls. Girls who get bored with what guys are offering them will instantly lose interest in those guys and try to find someone else to focus on for a change.