Healthy Kids Stay Hydrated!

Healthy Kids Stay Hydrated!

Did you know that your body is like the ocean? That’s right! The ocean covers about 70% of the surface of the earth, and approximately 70% of your body weight is made up of water! In order for your body to be at it’s best it needs to have plenty of water and stay hydrated (high-dray-ted). When you don’t have enough water you get dehydrated (dee-high-dray-ted) and you can become very sick. Hydration (High-dray-shun) is very important for you to stay healthy, let’s find out why.

Water does a lot more than quench your thirst, it keeps you alive! Water is so essential to our bodies that we could not live more than a couple of days without it. Your body uses water to help with digestion (die-jest-shun), to keep your joints moving smoothly, to keep cool, to keep waste from building up in your body, and even to keep you skin, finger nails and hair in good condition.

Dehydration is what happens when your body doesn’t have enough water. If you are dehydrated you may feel thirsty, your skin may be dry, you may feel dizzy or tired, you may get a headache, and you won’t be able to perform at your best mentally or physically. More serious complications of dehydration can occur when your body can no longer cool itself, including heat cramps, heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

When you are out playing with your friends, especially on a hot day, you will probably start to sweat. Sweating is your body’s way of releasing heat, so it doesn’t stay trapped under your skin. When you sweat your body also loses water, it is very important to replace that water as soon as possible. Aim to drink eight glasses of water per day, but keep in mind that this isn’t the only way that your body stays hydrated! Your body takes water from the foods that you eat too. Foods that have a high amount of water include fruits and vegetables, milk, soup, pastas that are prepared, and meats such as fish or chicken. When you eat these foods on a regular basis they will help you stay healthy and hydrated.

Should you wait until you are thirsty to have a drink? No! If you wait until you are very thirsty you are already dehydrated and may have lost approximately 1% of the water in your body! Water is the best choice to drink when you feel thirsty. If you choose a soda you actually cause your body to become more dehydrated, soda contains caffeine which acts as a diuretic (die-you-ret-ic) causing your body to lose even more water!

Sometimes you need to drink more water than usual. If you are exercising or at practice for a sport, if it is very hot outside, if you are at a high altitude (like up in the mountains) and if you have a fever or are sick it is important to make an extra effort to keep your body hydrated.

Here are some tips for staying hydrated throughout your day. First thing in the morning drink some water. Carry water with you throughout the d ay and choose water instead of sodas or fruit drinks. Stop by the water fountain in school regularly in between each class. When exercising drink water before, during and after your session. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Drink a glass of water with each meal and even keep some water next to your bed at night!

You need water in order to live. You also need water to keep your body healthy and working properly! Healthy kids keep their bodies hydrated, so make sure you drink enough water each and every day!