‘Winword Caused a General Protection Fault’ – Word Error and Recovery

‘Winword Caused a General Protection Fault’ – Word Error and Recovery

Normal.dot or global template is the basic template that Microsoft Word uses each time when you create a document. Even if you are using some other template, this global template always remains in use. Normal.dot file often gets corrupted leaving Word documents is suspect state. You should restore the documents damaged due to Normal.dot corruption from backup. But in some of the cases, backup is found as not updated, damaged or unavailable. Thus, in such situations, you should use word repair software to scan and repair your damaged Word document.

You might receive the similar error message when trying to open a Microsoft Word document:

“Winword caused a General Protection Fault in module USER.EXE”

You cannot access such document.


Probable causes for the above error to occur are:

o Normal.dot (Global Template) file is corrupted

o You have installed Word in Works Suite add-in program (included with MS Works Suite 2000) and the add-in program in corrupted.

o Installing MS Works Suite 2000 adds some additional functionality to Word. There are several new features added to File Menu, Mail Merge and Wizard.


To solve the above describes issues, you should follow these methods:

o Click Start->Search->All files and folders and type Normal.dot in All or part of the file name box. Select the Windows installed drive and click Search.

Rename the Normal.dot file to Oldnormal.dot. Upon restating Word, it will recreate a new global template.

o If the issue doesn’t resolve, insert MS the Microsoft Works Suite Disk 1 CD-ROM into the system and press and hold down SHIFT key while inserting it. Next, remove Word in Works Suite add-in program using Add or Remove Programs wizard of Control Panel.

o The existing issue should get resolved by following above steps. But if you find Word document(s) as damaged due to Normal.dot corruption, try restoring from backup. In case of backup concerns, you need to use word recovery applications.

Word repair tools scan a damaged document using powerful scanning algorithms and restore them. These are non-destructive applications with self-descriptive interface and complete documentation.

Stellar Phoenix Word Recovery is an advanced tool to repair and restore Microsoft Word documents. It is available with support to Word 2007, 2003, 2002 and 2000 and certain powerful Word Recovery features. It can restore all objects like hyperlinks, tables, images, drawings, macros and others. It is compatible with Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000 and NT.