5 Steps From Shy Guy to Seducer Extraordinaire

5 Steps From Shy Guy to Seducer Extraordinaire

When it comes to dating and romance, shy guys tend to finish last. They usually come in even later than nice guys who proverbially always come in last. But things don’t have to end up that way. In just a few steps any shy guy can be converted into a magnet for women. The secret isn’t a magical formula. All you need is a healthy dose of confidence and a few easy tips.

Step 1 – Go Out

Too many shy guys lament their lack of female companionship but never leave the house long enough to bump into an available woman. Even though the workplace and grocery store are possible places to meet a mate, you can do a lot better if you broaden your boundaries and search outside your familiar territory for a possible soul mate. If your town doesn’t have some clubs, museums, cafes, or other places where people mingle, hit the next closest town. In fact, you should consider venturing into nearby cities at least once a month. You never know who you might meet.

Step 2 – Build Confidence

Women are attracted to confident men. Shy men are usually not confident and therefore you’re at a disadvantage immediately. The best way to fix the problem is to appear confident. First, dress for success. Wear clothes you think make you look your best and that make you comfortable. Feeling good about your outward appearance is the first step towards being more confident. Second, make a mental list of a few things women should love about you. Repeat these to yourself any time you start feeling bad about yourself or right before you approach a woman. They will make you feel a whole lot better.

Step 3 – Know What Women Want

Shy guys do have one huge advantage: they listen. Women do like guys who will listen to them so you have a good way of making a connection with a woman. However, you also need to know a few other things that make women swoon. Sincere compliments always leave a positive impression. If you get a chance to meet her female friends, buy all of them a drink and work on making a good impression on them. You’d be surprised how many women seek the approval of their close friends before deciding who to date. If they like you, you have a good chance of getting a date.

Step 4 – Call Her

Since you’re a shy guy, you have to do things other guys wouldn’t. For example, if you get her phone number, call her the next day. She’s not going to think you’re desperate (unless you say something stupid like “I haven’t had a date in months” or “I’m usually really bad at talking to women”). Instead, give her a call and tell her: “I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation we had last night.”

Step 5 – Relax

Most shy people are shy because they are too harsh on themselves. They assume everyone else is harsh on them, too. The reality is most people don’t spend a lot of time worrying about the verbal mistakes other people make. If you just loosen up and relax, you’ll be able to stop worrying and start enjoying the dating scene a little more. Plus, you’ll start attracting women like a magnet.

Being shy isn’t the worst thing in the world for a guy but it can make finding a love connection even more challenging. If you can’t conquer your nervousness, you may have to resort to online dating.