Online Flash Games Website – Tips to Make it Rock!

Online Flash Games Website – Tips to Make it Rock!

You have a website with free online flash games and you want to make it better? Well, here are some tips to make it rock and make it more exciting!

To begin with, think about that: If you were a visitor and you just wanted to play some flash games, what would you like and what don’t?

So be careful! Think as a visitor and not as a businessman! Respect your visitors, don’t make your website heavy, make it simple, light and clear (don’t trick your visitors with the ads).

Let’s take a look what you should do to make your website exciting:

1) Make it on your own!

Don’t use ready-made platforms. This is the most important think to be successful. Why? Because as the website gets bigger and bigger, you will always:

a) need to improve it more and more,

b) make it better,

c) develop patents to make your life easier and decrease the time that you spend to update it,

c) make your job easier,

d) change thinks that don’t work,

e) make unique scripts to make your site more powerful.

2) Update your games frequently!

This, will help you get more visits from people who bookmarked your site. If they come often and see new games, they will stick with it and they will come again and again.

3) Make your website SEO friendly!

It will help the search engines to crawl your website and bring more visitors. Take care your keywords, your texts, your images and generally your content.

4) Exchange links!

Exchange links with other gamesites. It will improve your Google page rank and it will bring more visitors.

5) Check your emails and respond fast!

By doing this, you expand your relations with other people, you show to your visitors that you are here. This will help you grow your site faster.

6) Be creative!

Try to make your people react with your site and with each other, try not to get them bored! Think think think! Create things that will keep them busy. If you can keep your visitors for big amount of time into your website, if you made them have a good time, then you are successful!

7) Add additional info for each game!

This means more time for you to add each game, but think that it will help your visitors very much. And it means that probably they will come back again sometime! So add screen shots from inside the game, a nice description, game size, ratings, how many times it is played, etc.

8) Be patient!

Because there is too much competition out there you need to be patient! Your site will not grow and will not have too many visitors from day by day, week by week. If you have faith and continue to work on it, you will then slowly be awarded!

The general idea to have your website with free online flash games be more excited is to:

a) stick with your site,

b) love it,

c) spend time on it,

d) expand it,

e) experiment with whatever you think it will help.

and you are gonna be just fine!