How to Succeed With Women by Being a Jerk

How to Succeed With Women by Being a Jerk

Many guys want to know how to succeed with women by being a jerk, not because they themselves are actually jerks, but because they are sick of being the “nice guy” that gets walked all over and never gets to date the type of women that the so-called jerks do. If this sounds familiar to you, then you’ve got to read this.

The trick isn’t actually so much being a jerk as it is eliminating some of your habits that you may perceive as being nice, but women pretty much just see as boring or weak.

Unfortunately, nice guys who play by the rules and do everything as society tells them to do it aren’t very interesting. Think about it; would you want to hang out with a guy that seemed like he was straight off the set of Leave it to Beaver? No!

So why would you expect a woman to be any different? No matter what your mother taught you, you cannot bore a woman into liking you. I know that’s not what you’re trying to do, but the sooner you realize how you’re coming across to women, the better.

To succeed with women by being a jerk is to realize that crossing the line isn’t actually a bad thing. It’s not being a jerk. To a woman, a man who tip toes around her and worships her is not a nice guy. He is just a wimp.

The jerk on the other hand is a guy that tends to excite women. He doesn’t perceive himself to be a bad guy; he’s just honest with what he wants and can be a little blunt, never putting a woman on a pedestal. This is a refreshing change for a woman who is used to having guys suck up to her all day in an obvious ploy to get into her pants.

Do I encourage being a blatant jerk to get with women? No, not really. What I do encourage is that you free your mind. Society and our mothers have taught us all to mislabel things. You are not a jerk for being interesting. And you are not a nice guy for being a boring square.

Shed these misconceptions, and the women will love you for it. Nothing is more refreshing to a woman than a jerk who isn’t afraid to speak his mind around her.