The 6 A’s Of Self – Help!

The 6 A’s Of Self – Help!

Why is it, so many people, claim, they want to be, their very – best, but, few, seem, to commit to, doing, what is needed and necessary, to achieve that objective? The reality, often, is, no one, else, will assist you, seek to help (in a meaningful way), or, be, as motivated, to guide you, towards, making a difference, for the better, in these pursuits! After, over four decades of personal involvement, in assisting others, in their personal development, etc, by presenting seminars, etc, I have become convinced, truly, helping yourself, or, what, we refer to, usually, as, self – help, is directly related, to the 6 A’s. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, what these are, mean, and represent, and why, it matters.

1. Attitude: If you believe you can, you will. If you believe you can’t, you won’t! Only, when, one proceeds, consistently, with a true, positive, can – do, attitude, and looks at how to be successful/ achieve, instead of, fixating – on, all the reasons, why we might fail, will our chances, improve! Whatever the mind of man, can perceive and conceive of, he can achieve. One’s potential, for improving, in a personally, satisfying, meaningful way, often, is directly, related, to the quality, and focus of one’s attitude!

2. Admit/ accept: Before you can, help – yourself, you must be ready, willing, and able, to admit, your weaknesses, and address every area of weakness, so you are stronger, and more successful (personally)! It is important to accept, yourself, for who you are, and use areas of strength, to make you stronger, and more confident/ happier!

3. Attention/ assess: Begin this examination, by taking the time, and making a real effort, to give yourself, a thorough, realistic, objective, check – up, from the neck – up! How can you help yourself, if you don’t recognize, what needs to be done, and why?

4. Aptitude/ astute: The first three considerations, mentioned, above, should direct you, to understanding, where you need to get better! Self – help, requires true commitment, and proactivity, to enhance your aptitude, and skill – set, and hopefully, becoming, far – more, astute, in a personally, relevant way!

5. Affirmations: Many studies show, the power of, personal affirmations! To make these, work, for you, requires commitment, discipline, and personal examination (in an objective way), and, thus, identifying your personal priorities, goals, and perceptions! Each affirmation must be, a positive statement, made in the present tense! For example, if, your body image and weight, is important/ concerning, to you, instead of saying, I am going to stay on a diet, or something, similar to, that, state it, as, I am proud of my appearance, and, consistently, pay attention, to my overall, health, and well – being!

6. Actions: It’s never, enough, to, merely, go through, the motions, as above, but, rather, this will, only help you, if you, consistently, proactively, take the actions, which will make you better, and stronger, and, thus, hopefully, happier, more content, and, self – satisfied!

Committing to these 6 A’s, is an important component, of meaningful, self – help! Will you commit, to these, consistently?