Attract Women As A Gentleman With "Bad Boy Attitude"

Attract Women As A Gentleman With "Bad Boy Attitude"

Have you ever wondered why women find reckless “bad boys” so

irresistibly attractive? The kind of guy who shows little respect for women, only cares about himself and displays a nasty attitude towards society in general. The kind of guy who every mother and father used to warn their daughters against ever since they began dating as young girls?

When I first started out in the game, learning how to pick up women, like a lot of other “nice” guys, I used to hate the bad boys because they always got all the girls. I treated women with respect, sensitivity and kindness, giving them my shoulder to cry on when they needed someone to talk to, and what would they say to me when I asked them out for a date? “Oh, I really like you a lot and you’re the nicest guy I’ve ever known, but I think it will be better for us to remain JUST FRIENDS.” And the very next day, she starts going out with another bad boy.

So I began to learn the specific things that the bad boy did to get women so incredibly attracted to him. The good news: you don’t need to actually become a bad boy at all in order to attract women. You just need to understand how to display the same “attitude” that the bad boy does in order to get the same response from women. In other words, to get the same results you need to “act” like a bad boy but you should remain a good guy underneath the acting.

The question then, becomes how can you act like a bad boy without actually being a bad boy. The best way that I found to do this is to “say” things that are playfully “arrogant” while actually being nice by your “actions.”

Imagine a situation where you open the door for a girl (like a

gentleman) while out on a date. Now, by opening the door, you’re

doing a nice, chivalrous “act.” When the girl says thank you, a nice guy would probably just reply “You’re welcome.” Now instead of simply replying “you’re welcome,” the guy could turn that situation into an opportunity to trigger some “bad boy” attraction with the girl.

He can say something like this: “You’re welcome my dear…. I’m a gentleman, and you’re a lady. But I hope you’re not the clumsy type. Because if you fall over on our date in those nice high heel shoes, and you want my extra special “rescue beautiful girl from floor service,” that will cost you money. And I only take VISA or MASTERCARD. I might be persuaded to take cash, but only if you ask me nicely.”

You should say this with the most sincere smile on your face and the girl would probably crack up laughing if she’s got even the most basic sense of humour. You see, a statement like that, playfully delivered, is far more interesting, challenging and attractive to the girl than just an ordinary, polite and boring reply like, “You’re welcome.”

Once you understand the underlying psychology, you will know how to portray “bad boy” attitude in any situation. You will naturally start putting out bad boy “vibes” in your dealings with women, and as a result, you’ll become as interesting to them as “true” bad boys. This is just one out of hundreds of top secret techniques that I use myself and teach other guys to use in order to easily attract women like a modern day ‘Casanova.’