Ego Driven Society

Ego Driven Society

Living Consciously is an awareness of how we are being. There are a lot of high profile people in the world telling us our ego is bad or something we need to “kill” or rise above. But the truth for me is the ego is very important to understand how we navigate through our reality. We grow up in an ego-based society, so to remain within the society and create real change – what I call transformation it is important, I believe to understand the ego and it’s true nature, or it’s job.

We all grow up with the indoctrination of our society with the media, family orientation, churches, and school. The ego helps us understand some very important information about what works and what doesn’t work to navigate through our society. Our society utilizes the ego as the driving force of our reality. What I found was there is a use for ego but to use it effectively we must look at how the brain interprets information.

Use the ego as a tool rather than identifying the information the ego brings to our consciousness as ultimate truth. There are some clues we can use to notice when we are identifying ourselves with ego and our perception is based on the misinterpretation of the information available to us.

It is our freedom to create the life we want. Maybe drama and trauma is important to help us learn about how we create. We choose how we will experience life, and the risk of living consciously is that we begin to take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in our experiences. When we do this we begin to realize we are accountable for our thoughts, emotions and beliefs. When we begin to wake up to our authentic selves we realize we have been living in a dream. When we live consciously the world becomes more beautiful and joyful, it becomes fun a vast playground for choice. We can stop living as a victim, or survivor and begin to thrive in our life. For me this has now become the absolute truth. I live in a world that is supportive, safe, loving, kind, open, and a playground for exploration of whatever my mind body and spirit are capable of creating. It is profoundly more rewarding than the nightmare I once lived in.

When we hold others accountable for giving us what we need in life we can often become disengaged, disenchanted and even angry if they do not live up to our expectations. At times we can feel a tinge of pressure in our chest of presiding fear. Other times we can feel tension of the weight of the world in our shoulders. Most often our past comes up, and if we give in to the emotional upset, we cheat our world and ourselves of the greatness that resides within each individual.

All of us have wounds from childhood that hold us down. We believe our parents really did it to us. It’s time to stop blaming them and start looking at what we did to ourselves.

Groundbreaking work in the field of Biology examined in great detail the processes by which cells receive information. What this research has done is help us understand that the personal perception of our environment effects how the DNA is signaled. This effect is directly stimulated by our beliefs.

Understand that the power of positive energy affects our daily life, our perception of life and life itself. When we learn to deeply let go of the negative influences of our life we transform our experience and our body as well. Now there is a lot to be said for positive affirmations, however, when we begin to awaken our core to that positive experience through emotions, thoughts and beliefs that’s when the body begins to respond to the positive energy.

When we have a belief, it generates a thought, which brings on an action through an event. In a nano-second, we evaluate, and an emotion is formed. We act or react, creating a behavior. We evaluate the consequences, which lead to an evaluation of our original belief. Then we go out into the world and create additional evidentiary experience to prove our logic, regardless of whether or not the logic is flawed. We continue to repeat the process. Through consciousness, however, we can begin to realize that we have choices as to what we believe, feel, think and experience and also about how we behave.

When we hold the evidence as the only truth, we are looking at the world from a single, limited perspective. We continue to produce the same results in our lives until we recognize the fact that we have another choice. We even create agreements with others, unconsciously of course, to help us identify behaviors, which either support our desires or become signposts showing us that we are going the wrong way.

I believe, we must wake up to our own power and empathy and to our own inspiration and motivation if we are to create a planet that will sustain us and nurture our children to come. Obama said it in his inauguration speech: We must affirm the greatness of our nations. The way to do this is by affirming our own greatness. We cannot create what we do not have inside ourselves. We must stand up and take back our lives. To re-create our nations in their greatness we must start with ourselves. As Martin Luther-King said, this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time.

Each time we do what is right and true for us, we tell ourselves that we are good enough, powerful enough, strong enough and worthy of the life we have; we put this positive energy into our world. The time has come for each of us to take full responsibility for our part in what has happened, not only to us but also to our nation, other nations, humanity and the planet. Making a better world is not only your responsibility, but it’s your joy, your blessing and a way you can make your lasting mark on our home.

This new movement, which is now gaining momentum on our planet, may appear daunting to those who do not yet realize that we can actually DO something to manifest positive change. The truth is that we can ALL take part in something very real, in the present moment so as to create the planet we all deserve and desire to live on. This can be accomplished through knowing and understanding that we are all worthy of creating a life of harmony and balance and letting go of the stresses of life that are holding us back. The time of self-sacrifice to the exclusion of self-realization must end; the time to empower all people to see their ability to help each other by helping themselves must begin.