Why Does He Take Me for Granted? Learn Why You Are Almost Invisible to Him

Why Does He Take Me for Granted? Learn Why You Are Almost Invisible to Him

Can you clearly see that your man is starting to take you for granted and you are feeling completely hopeless? Would you like things to change but don’t really know what to do?

Before I give you any more lessons…Here is what you need to realize first – If your man has started to take you for granted then it’s not really his fault! Shocked? Well don’t be.

You would be surprised to know that the reason why he is treating you this way is because of your current actions around him.

At this you might say – It’s still his fault. Why does it all have to be so unfair? How can I even be at fault here when he is the one ignoring me?

Do you know that the meaning of insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results?

I am sure you have had one of two thoughts –

1- I think something is wrong with him. He has no right to take me for granted. He needs to change his ways.


2- I think I am doing something wrong which is making him take me for granted. I must do something about it.

The women in the first category are the one’s who are doing the same thing over and over again feeling that it’s not their fault and that the man should change.

If you really want things to change then you need to alter your ways. Here are some useful tips which will help you along the way…

Possible reason #1 – Your level of interest in him is more than his level of interest in you…

Understand the equation here? When you like him more than he likes you then it creates this imbalance. Since he isn’t as invested in you as you are into him…His side is heavier.

He knows that he is in control of the relationship as he can clearly see that you are completely into him. A relationship is joyful only when both the partners are equally invested into each other.

A relationship only works well when both the partners are making equal efforts. When one has to make more efforts the other one automatically gets the power. And consequently when one gets the power he starts to take the other partner for granted.

How to tackle this –

The best and the only good way to tackle this; is to stop being too invested in him. You should stop hanging out with him all the time. Don’t let him give you the average treatment. Make it absolutely clear to him that you deserve more than that and you aren’t settling for less.

Possible reason #2 – You have become too boring aka predictable…

Do you always stick to a certain routine around him? Does he almost know what your daily routine is? Do you always call him 3 times a day at fixed intervals?

If this is your case then you need to change all this right away. Predictability is a direct killer of attraction and when there is no attraction he will definitely take you for granted.

Possible reason #3 – You are a “YES” person…

Do you always agree with your boyfriend/husband just to keep him happy? Are you scared of disagreeing because you feel that he might get disappointed and consequently like you less?

Does he always get to decide where you two will go, what you guys will do for the day, and where you will eat etc?

If this is the case then you have gently handed the “power to control you” over to your boyfriend/husband. You have indirectly told your boyfriend/husband that you are okay with whatever he wants to do and you will never disagree with him even when you want to.

You see if your man is taking you for granted for this reason then it’s not his fault. It’s your fault! You have given him the permission to treat you like this.

Points to remember –

– Don’t invest into him too much unless he has already invested a great deal into you. Imbalance in this department can lead to a lot of frustration.

– Don’t be an open book and let him completely figure you out. A bit of mystery will always help in keeping the relationship alive.

– Don’t change yourself to match his preferences. Stick to your own opinion and point of views even if he disagrees with them. Learn to be your own person. What’s the point of gaining him when you have to lose yourself for it?