How to Make a Girl Want You Using Mixed Signals – 7 Tricks Most Guys Aren’t Even Aware Of

How to Make a Girl Want You Using Mixed Signals – 7 Tricks Most Guys Aren’t Even Aware Of

You might be one of those people who often get turned down by women because you are just a “nice guy”. If this nice guy tag has been following you around for a while then it is time to make a break from it. Men often wonder what women want but the truth is that most women themselves do not know what they want in a man. Here are a few ways to use this confusion in women by sending out mixed signals to attract them to you.

Be in control

Since the time you have been out with her she was the one making all the decisions, deciding what to do and where to go. Get a grip man, and take the controls from her. Once you are in control you will find her appreciating you.


Being predictable is so boring. Women often know what men are going to do and how men are going to react to a particular thing or situation. Being unpredictable will keep her on her edge as she will not be able to anticipate your actions.

Be involved yet distant

Give her your undivided attention at one time but soon after be a little distant. Your aim is to make her feel that though she is important, you do have other things on your mind that need attention and your time. By doing so, you will be moving away from the category of men called doormats. It’s this category that most men generally fall into when they want to attract a girl.

Restricted touching

If you are out with a girl keep the touching a little restricted. You do want her to feel that you are interested in her so basic touching like touching her hand, face or hair lightly and occasionally should establish your interest. However, don’t go overboard by touching her whenever you get the opportunity. By minimal touching you will make the girl crave for your touch and increase her interest in you.

Mixed moods

While you want the girl to see your sweeter and more amiable side, you also don’t want her to feel that sweetness is the only aspect of your personality. Learn to balance this aspect of your personality with the other moods such as intensity, aggressiveness etc so that she gets drawn to you.

Take care of her likes and dislikes

While being distant do pay attention to what she is saying. This will give you a good idea of her likes and dislikes. Give her an unassuming gift that does not overtly suggest any romantic intentions but does establish the fact that you have been paying attention. She is sure to be touched by this gesture but will not know if you are looking at her as “just a good friend” or you like her. This curiousness will draw her more to you.

Create the need

Being around all the time only makes you look like a lost puppy. Hang out with your girl but give her some time to miss you. Don’t overdose her with your presence. If you give her enough attention and then move away from her for a while she will get thinking about you and will want to see you more.