4 Tips to Make Your Acupuncture Treatments More Effective

4 Tips to Make Your Acupuncture Treatments More Effective

Q: “What should I expect to feel after my first treatment? Are there any side effects?”

A: Everyone’s treatment (and therefore effects are unique). Some people feel tired after an acupuncture session. Others feel energized. The most common response I hear is that they’ve “slept like a baby!” after their first acupuncture session.

Acupuncture is one of the few modalities in healthcare that is safe enough to say that when it’s properly performed, it has practically no side effects!

Q: “What can I do to improve my treatment outcome?”

A: Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate! Consume 1-2 glasses of room temperature water within an hour after treatment. Post-treatment hydration is helpful in moderating a mild detoxification reaction when toxins are flushed from the body.

Rest! If you feel tired post-treatment, that means that the body is requesting rest/sleep (which is it’s time to heal). Oblige it. Go to bed early or take a nap.

Q: “Is there anything I shouldn’t do after getting treated?”

A: Avoid caffeine, overeating, chocolate, and of course, stress after your treatment!

Q: “How should I prepare for my future treatments?”

A: Set aside time for your appointment and try to avoid rushing and stress in this scenario. When you walk into the office, make sure to “check your stress at the door” so you can focus on your breathing and healing.

Because acupuncture moves so much of your body’s natural energy around, make sure you’ve had something eat a few hours prior to your treatment.

Additionally, avoid large amounts of caffeine on the same day as your treatment. Energetically speaking, caffeine scatters your body’s Qi (energy) and is dehydrating.

And finally, practice your “4 square” deep belly breathing.