Candidiasis – The Scourge of the Vagina

Candidiasis – The Scourge of the Vagina

Candidiasis is not only a pain; it’s hard to say and even harder to type. All kidding aside Candidiasis is a yeast infection that is prevalent with women. It affects the vagina and is a condition where yeast that normally inhabit the vagina get too plentiful. Small amounts of yeast are normal in the vaginal tract. It is when the yeast over multiplies and it takes over the vaginal environment.

Contrary to popular belief, candidiasis is not transmittable by sex. For a woman it makes no difference if her partner is male or female. Yeast infections can be caused by antibiotics, birth control pills, diabetes or pregnancy. Anything that changes the balance of the vaginal environment can lead to candidiasis.

The symptoms of candidiasis include vaginal itching, and burning. It sometimes produces a cheese-like white vaginal discharge. There could be swelling around the genitals, and intercourse could be painful.

Candidiasis is usually diagnosed with a swab of the vaginal opening. From there, the lab checks for the presence of Candida Albicons, the primary yeast that leads to the condition. It is a relatively short procedure and usually results are available the same day or tomorrow.

Complications include other infections attacking the red and raw vaginal area.

One of the remedies to yeast infections is Lactobacilli, which is inserted into the vaginal tract at bedtime. It usually slows down the vaginal production of yeast, thereby eliminating the problem. There are a lot of bedtime remedies for candidiasis. They come in suppository or cream form to be applied around the infected area. They can be used during your period and are available over the counter (without a prescription). One word of caution: If this is your first suspected vaginal yeast infection, see a health professional as it may not be a yeast infection at all. It could be clamidia or gonorrhea. Since yeast infections aren’t transmitted sexually generally there is no need for the partner to get checked unless they start to develop symptoms.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. To protect yourself from candidiasis, it is recommended that women keep the vaginal area clean and dry. Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear. The risk of yeast infections are increased with the use of sprays, douches, perfumed soaps or salts in the vaginal area.

If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, e.g. more than 4 times in a year, then you should consider eating yogurt with the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is the same bacteria found in a healthy vagina. You can purchase capsules of Lactobacilli in any health food store or section of your grocery.