Why Do Girls Always Leave Me?

Why Do Girls Always Leave Me?

Why do girls always leave me? I am 25 years old. I always find it easy getting a girl to fall in love with me, probably because of the good time I give them. Each of the girls I dated never stayed beyond five weeks with me and when I try to find out why, their answers are always almost the same “nothing”. This problem is causing me sleepless night. Is something wrong with me? This is one of the several emails I have received from several men seeking answers to a common problem.

Why do girls always leave me? I know this is the question currently causing you sleepless night. With the right approach you will become a master in the act of keeping girls to stick to you until you are no longer interested.

The first thing you need to do right now is to do an evaluation of your appearance. How is your personal hygiene? No beautiful girl will like to hang around with a guy who smells so badly, especially when he opens his mouth to talk. You need to ensure your breathe smells nice and there is no foul odour from your armpit.

Examine yourself objectively and closely to find out why girls always leave you. What about the way you talk? Are you the type that is boastful about your success and talk so loudly to cause embarrassing moments? Do you argue loudly and unreasonably in public to embarrass your girlfriends?

Most girls do not like a stalker. You should learn to give your girl some space to do her own thing. If you become too obsessed with any girl, she may begin to resent you. Trust and allow her to go places alone if she prefers that. do not question her all the time when you see her chatting with other boys.

Girls like men who are confident and achievement-driven. If you do not have any plans for the future, most serious girls will not take you seriously and they may dump you for a guy that is ambitious and hard-working.