Summoning Powerful Spirits and Making Pacts With Them

Summoning Powerful Spirits and Making Pacts With Them

Just recently, I have summoned the planetary spirit, Bethor, twice. The first time took more planning, and the second time was more of a spontaneous evocation. Both times were met with equal successes. Bethor is one of the Olympic Planetary Spirits mentioned in The Arbatel of Magic, Arbatel De Magia Veterum.

Bethor is also mentioned in the book, “Summoning Spirits” by Konstantinos. He is said to be the “spirit of Jupiter”, and is described as wearing “an azure colored robe”. It’s also mentioned that he is “surrounded by flashes of light, like lightning”.

When I first decided to summon Bethor, my attention was to ask for help with my freelance writing career. I did not plan on asking for money, wealth, or treasure; I only asked for help in business matters.

Before I go any further, I want to warn all novices to the craft that summoning spirits, especially powerful ones, can be dangerous. I know we’re all tempted to dabble at times, but sometimes it’s best not to. Summoning entities from sixteenth century grimiores should only be undertaken after all other options have failed. I don’t want to sound as if I’m preaching, but dabbling in the occult is very serious business.

I don’t have too much room to talk, though. I make no claims to be a ceremonial magician. I can only describe myself as being somewhat of a chaos mage/eclectic witch. I admit that I did not summon Bethor the “old fashioned way”.

I did call upon the quarters before beginning the “ceremony”. After I was satisfied with the circle, I faced toward the East and began the evocation. I meditated over Bethor’s sigil and chanted his name for several minutes. I asked for a sign that he was present, and then the entire room became extremely chilly. I also noticed a sort of blue aura in front of me; his color is azure, after all.

I proceeded to ask him for help with business matters. I’m trying to establish a career as a freelance writer. Unfortunately, up to that point, things weren’t going so well. I asked him for his help, and promised him that I would tell the world about him. I haven’t come across much information concerning Olympic Planetary Spirits. If there is a lot of information out there, I have yet to discover it.

Finally, once I felt confident that the summoning was successful, I asked him for a sign that he was willing to help me. Something told me to “look out of my window”, and I did. There was a strange cat sitting there in my yard looking up at me. I never saw that cat before the summoning. My own cats are very territorial and they usually run other cats off. The cat has since then taken up residence on my porch, and it refuses to go away. It’s only half grown kitten, and my fully grown cats seem to be frightened of it.

It’s because of this strange fear my cats have of the “mystery” cat that led me to summon Bethor once again. One of my cats disappeared for a couple of days. This was very unlike her, and I was extremely worried that something bad had happened to her. I felt guilty in a way, as if I were to blame for the “mystery” cat’s presence. The evocation of Bethor was otherwise successful; immediately after summoning him, I began receiving more writing jobs than ever before. Bethor literally began helping me instantly. Unfortunately, I was too worried and upset about my cat to concentrate on my work.

During a panic mode, I hastily summoned Bethor again. I asked him if he would please “return my kitty” to me instantly. I also took time to thank him for helping me with my previous evocation. I chanted his name and even drew his sigil all over my arm. I asked him with everything I had to bring my kitty back to me. Once again, I felt as if somebody was trying to tell me something. This time, the words “go open the door; she’ll be there this time,” formed in my head. I did just that. She was there.

After two days of her disappearance, she finally showed up during my pleading with Bethor. I was so happy and thankful that I began to cry. I also gave the “mystery” cat some food. As frustrated as I was with it, I knew that my own cat’s stubbornness wasn’t its fault. It’s a skinny little thing, and I feel that it came to me for a reason (well, other than food).

As for my writing career, things are going great now. I’m keeping my promise to Bethor by writing about my personal experiences with him. I’m putting this “manifesto” up for everyone to read. If I ever decide to work with other planetary spirits, I’ll write about my experiences with them as well.