China SEO Strategy – Internet Marketing to a Billion People?

China SEO Strategy – Internet Marketing to a Billion People?

It seems that Chinese people have arrived on the world stage so far as Internet usage is concerned. China is now the country with the largest number of Internet users.  The number of Internet users in China is increasing rapidly, and is approaching 200 million users. The more things change, the more business is moving to China. I read a report on a Search Engine Optimization show in China called SES China. Here is a synopsis, in case you do not have time to read the whole article linked below: What kind of SEO Strategy would be required to sell into the Chinese market ?

Since this is the universal way of things, what is the little guy in the good ole USA to do about it. Is there any way to ride the China wave ? Should we all study Feng Shui ?  That would be easier than trying to learn Chinese. 

Factory workers making jeans in China make about 6 cents per hour ! An average skilled worker in China makes only 2-3 dollars per day. What chance does an Internet Marketer have to sell anything on-line to people in China? Right now, every day, over 150,000 people in China are opening new brokerage accounts and investing a few hundred dollars, most likely their life savings in the risky Chinese stock market. How about selling extremely low-cost basic investment advice ? I’m sure there is a market for millions of Chinese people in this area.

I think Chinese people have basically similar aspirations to Americans about family and fortune. How about this idea, do you think Chinese people are interested in making money on-line? Do you think there is a way for them to get educated about Internet Marketing? Chances are more likely that they will get ripped off like so many before them on the Internet. In the case of ripping off the typical Chinese person, this is something particularly cruel, since money is so hard to come by and so little means so much in China.

Basically, I think to sell on-line in China, you will have to follow a simple, but sure-fire SEO Strategy that is similar to the one that works in the West. Provide quality information with lots of free information up front, and good quality information at extremely affordable prices. After such a long time without access to adequate information and education, don’t you think the Chinese people are hungry for quality education and information. They certainly are, by the millions !

It all comes back to quality information. (Oh, if you are serious about the Chinese market, you will need to find a good Chinese translator). Even with millions of Chinese studiying English, you will really open up your marketing to Chinese people if your web site is in Chinese ! Good Luck with your China SEO Strategy! ….. (Ji Jian !)

SES China