Best Race for Cataclysm Mage

Best Race for Cataclysm Mage

Choosing a race for your mage can be a daunting task. Some players may choose a race based on appearance, while others will choose a race based on the best racial abilities for the class. Depending on how you want to play your Mage, there are a lot of different options. Below, I have outlined the benefits of each race so you can make an informed decision.


Every Man For Himself: Innate escape mechanism, allows for two DPS trinkets in PvP. (2 min cooldown)

Diplomacy: Increased reputation gain (10%) makes it easier to grind for factions.


Escape Artist: Innate escape mechanism, but not as good as the human’s racial. (1.45 min cooldown)

Small size makes it harder for players to target you!

Expansive Mind: Increases mana pool by 5%.

Night Elves

Shadowmeld: grants invisibility, useful for positioning and surprise attacks. (2 min cooldown)

Quickness: Increases dodge (2%) which helps avoid melee and ranged attacks.


Stone Form: gets rid of poisons, diseases, bleeds and reduces damage done to the player (+10% Armor). Last 8 seconds with a 2 minute cooldown


Gift of the Naaru: Heal-over-time on target (20% of total Hit points over 15 seconds). 3 minute cooldown.

Heroic Presence: Increase hit chance by 1%, good for min/maxing characters.


Darkflight: A “sprint” ability, increases movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown. Great for adding to the mobility of Frost Mages.

Viciousness: Increased critical strike chance (1%).


Blood Fury: Active ability used to increase spell damage, very useful. Based on level and class.

Hardiness: Resistance to stun duration (15%)


Will of the Forsaken: Can be used to remove Fear, Sleep and Charm with a 2 minute cooldown.

Underwater Breathing: quite useful while taking on certain questions, or hiding from other players underwater!

Cannibalize: Eat a corpse to regain 7% health and mana every 2 seconds, lasts 10 seconds.


Berseking: Active ability used to increase casting speed by 20% for 10 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown.

Da Voodoo Shuffle: passive ability which reduces movement impairing effects by 15%

Beast Slaying: and extra 5% damage to beasts, useful while leveling.

Blood Elves

Arcane Torrent: Silences enemies for seconds in an 8 yard range around the player. 2 minute cooldown. Could be useful in some situations, however, you must be very close to use this ability which leaves a mage very vulnerable.


Rocket Jump: Good escape mechanism, very similar to Blink. 2 minute cooldown.

Time is money: Adds to haste, which gives the player a 1% increase in casting speed.

Better Living through Chemistry: 25% more health/mana bonuses from potions created by the player. Also gives a 15 point bonus to alchemy.


Unfortunately, Tauren cannot become mages!

Hopefully by now you have a pretty good idea of the strengths each race. The next step is to get to leveling! If you’re looking for a talent build, or some general tips on how to play your new mage, please check out my blog by clicking here!