How To Be Successful In Your Career In The Telecoms Sector

How To Be Successful In Your Career In The Telecoms Sector

YOUR CAREER IS A VALUABLE ASSET: Your career is probably the most valuable asset you have. Develop it and DON’T abuse it or take it for granted. If you do, you create problems for yourself. You can find lots of careers in telecoms at Telecoms Engineering Careers, Telecom Careers in UK and Telecom Jobs in Europe.

KEEP LEARNING: Always try something new and increase your skill sets. This way you can insulate yourself from downsizing and will help you do a better job.

SUPPORT: Don’t take for it granted the support of those around you in the t home and around the workplace. Support has to be earned. Does your boss respect you and do they talk openly? These elements, when put together can be a good barometer of how well you are doing in the relationship stakes.

POLITICS: Most people do not like to hear politics at work, but it is a natural occurrence when people converse together. Politics is often the reason why people become dissatisfied at work and leave, or lose out to somebody more popular when a promotion arises. A good relationship with your colleagues is therefore important.

SUCCESS NEEDS TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED: There is nothing worse than not having your success acknowledged. Make sure your successes are know to the appropriate personnel and don’t brag too much. Know how to project yourself within your workplace.

A NEW BOSS: More often than not, a new boss means a change in business strategy. The new boss has probably been brought into the organisation to do something different, or meet a new challenge. Determine if you still have the relevant skills for the job and either fully support your new boss and all the new changes, find something new within the organisation, or leave altogether.

LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES: Of course, everybody makes mistakes – that goes without saying. What is important is that you learn from the mistakes and not to repeat them in the future. Take time to investigate what went wrong when you made mistakes and learn the consequences of them.

NETWORKING: Always widen your own network of useful contacts while at work as these will come in very useful when you are looking for a new job. Many employees are recruited because of a personal recommendation and managers like to recruit someone that can be recommended by a person they know and whose opinion they value. This takes a lot of risk out of the recruitment process for the hiring manager.

IMPROVE YOUR SELF IMAGE: Look your best and act positively, be on time for meetings, be courteous and polite, don’t give a negative vibe as this will be picked up and rank against you.

APPRAISE YOURSELF: Be honest with yourself. Pay careful attention to your appraisals and rate yourself. Are you achieving your goals, and meeting your targets? Are you working as efficiently as possible? Have you a tendency to get lazy and not focus at the job at hand? Self-examination will allow you to improve your work in an efficient manner.

REMEMBER – YOUR CAREER IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY: Your boss should encourage you to reach your best potential in that job but he can’t manage your career. It is very important to know what you want from your career – visualize where you want to be in the future paying attention to your skills set and ambitions. Plan how you are going to make it there. Take control of your career will give you a greater sense of purpose and empowerment. Enjoy the journey – Telecom Engineering Jobs UK.

FINALLY -IMPORTANT WORK/LIFE BALANCE: It’s no good having a successful career and fulfilling all your work commitments, if everything else around you, like your family and social life if failing. Without good balance between work and life, there is only failure.