Payless Vs Famous Footwear – Understand the Differences and Similarities

Payless Vs Famous Footwear – Understand the Differences and Similarities

If you are looking for shoes and you are wondering which store is better to go to, Payless or Famous Footwear, then you need to understand the benefits of choosing either store. Each store is good, but you are going to find some key differences that might make you choose one over the other. Right out of the gate, I can tell you that Famous Footwear has many name brand shoes while Payless does not. Nevertheless, this is not the only reason you might choose to go to one store over the other.

Now the main reason to go to Payless over Famous Footwear is simple. When you go to Payless you are going to pay less money. In fact, you might be able to get multiple pairs of shoes for what you would pay at the other store. When it comes to Famous Footwear, a lot of their shoes are athletic and there are not as many choices to get anything else. Payless offers other benefits such as nice looking bags and other accessories.

On the other hand, you have many people who feel that Famous Footwear has better overall shoes. This is referring to the quality. Many people think the quality is just better. Then you have some people who feel that Famous Footwear has more shoes overall. This may or may not be true depending on the size of the store you go to. However, one thing is for sure, most people agree that Payless has more accessories.

Most people believe that a discount shoe store like Payless is not good because the shoes are inferior. They believe this because they shoes are cheap. Understand that designer shoes are more expensive not only because they are made with expensive materials, but because the methods used to make them as well as the brand. The manufacturing process for making name brand shoes is usually harder, more work is needed as well. Some shoes might even be handcrafted, which is definitely going to make them cost more.

Payless has a similar manufacturing process for the shoes they make. But you are not paying a premium for the brand name attached to the shoe, which can be significant. I will use a certain name brand for example to shoe the different. You can get a Ralph Lauren polo shirt for $90.00. If you get the same shirt, same craftsmanship and quality at a place like Target it is only going to be $25.00 or less. This is because there is not a little jockey on the chest of the shirt. That is a difference of $65.00. It works the same way with shoes.

Famous Footwear is good for those who want name brands for less. Payless is for those who want quality without having to spend an arm and a leg because there is a certain brand name attached. Each store gives you the chance to find good deals. One just might have more of what you want then the other.