You Have To Stand On God’s Word Through Troubles And Problems

You Have To Stand On God’s Word Through Troubles And Problems

Open your Bible to Psalm 50:15 it says… and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.Go ahead and highlight that scripture.

A true victorious Christian is one who, in spite of troubles and problems, is confident that God has the power to help in every circumstance. God wants you to learn to be led by your trust in Him and not by your understanding. ( Many people think, why is this happening to me? )

Look to Jesus, at what He can do, not at yourself. Look to the Word! The Word is the only thing that can break the boundaries and limits in your life. You discover all your spiritual help in the Word of God. Your first thought in your circumstance should be what does the Word say about this? Knowing the Word is the only way to be the over-comer that God has called you to be.

You see, if you don’t know the Word, you’ll be in the same boat as the rest of the dark world. What does that mean? It means God’s Word doesn’t make any sense to the natural, carnal mind. What I’m teaching you is, that the Bible is your greatest weapon against your troubles and problems. Using the Word is how you call upon the name of the Lord for help.

You start to glorify Jesus and get excited about it! Although you may not know every detail of God’s help plan for your life, you can trust that He will show up. Hallelujah, when God steps in, He works in ways you can’t predict. God can even use your inconveniences to bring honor to His name.

You have the Holy Spirit working with you today to meet the needs which have troubled you. Praise His name and dwell on the problem solver, Jesus! He will make a way for you! He will deliver you! I’m teaching you about the power of God’s Holy deliverance through His Word.

Are you in trouble? Do you need supernatural help? Jesus is the same today as He was back in Bible times. Yes! No matter what your struggle or hardship, Jesus will be with you! Give Him your negative situations, give Him your difficult problems. Jesus is always accessible, available, and ready to listen and help. Say, Thank You Jesus!

Call on Him! What is it that you need for Jesus to do in your particular situation? His power gives you strength to face difficulties. You have to trust Him to bring good out of your tough times. You see, if you’re a Christian, you will get trials. The issue is whether trials get you.

Yes, you will have problems! Yes, you will have times of failure! But what do you do? You have to stand on the Word of God through troubles and problems. Many people neglect spiritual matters. But God works in your life according to His Word. Reach out to Jesus! How? By obeying Him, inviting Him, welcoming Him, and honoring Him. Now, raise your hands and say, Jesus, I need you to help me!