How to Deal With a Beautiful Woman

How to Deal With a Beautiful Woman

When it comes to men and women relationships, it can be very difficult for men, especially if the woman is very beautiful.

Men find it very hard to deal appropriately with beautiful women. They go over the top with being too nice and suffer from the inevitable ‘nice guy’ syndrome. This does not mean you have to be a ‘jerk’, but you have to know when to draw the line.

Most women can easily spot a man who is too weak and they don’t like it. Do not misunderstand, women do not want a man who is rude, inconsiderate and impolite, but they want a man who is kind, friendly, romantic and will not let the woman walk all over him.

Most men think that by being too nice to a beautiful woman, they are doing all they can to attract or keep the women, but in fact every time a woman acts like a brat or makes a ridiculous request and the man lets it go, thinking he is giving her what she needs, their relationship takes another step towards doom. Every time a man does something weak or is unsure about something, the woman recognises it and loses respect for the man.

The quickest way to lose a woman is to be a doormat. Show the woman you are not a pushover and she will like you. You can do this by being funny and cocky, which will also show you have a sense of humour and are comfortable being around beautiful women.