How Dumb Are Christians?

How Dumb Are Christians?

Before an answer can be given to that question it is important to understand who and what a Christian is and why the many branches of Christianity prosper? This was for me to do from the time of my reincarnation. With knowledge that there is no heaven or hell and that devils, angels, and saints, are only to be found in the imagination of dreamers, it has taken me most of my life to discover why, how, and where, religions arose.

After passing through the realm of the Spirit into this life the knowledge brought with me is astounding. The other language that came with me helped maintain a link to it. At a time shown between lives answers were forthcoming as it lead me on a journey to the past and to a depth of knowledge that one could never imagine.

On that solid base answers to the questions and resolution of puzzles that have defied researchers and authorities for centuries are here. They include the identity of 666, how and when religions began, who are responsible for them and what effect they have on the planet on which we live.

Christians are followers of the ignorance of ancient times where science and Divine truths were unknown. Guesswork, dreams, and power hunger, led the kings on and they created their own gods for satisfaction of the majority. Over time ideas changed but the basic premise on which they were founded could never be changed.

To me they are like the crowd in the story of the ‘King with No Clothes’ by Hans Christian Anderson. Although he was naked the crowd refused to acknowledge it and praised the king for his refinement and good taste. It highlights how people follow the lead of the strong and refuse to accept what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears.

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion; that they should believe a lie.” 2 Thessalonians 2:11

Religion is all about delusion and magic. It has no substance except for what people generate in their own mind and accept by their common values. In other words, what is popular among the community is OK with them. That is what a Christian is about and it’s what makes the same dumb and stupid.

The reasoning behind this is told in prophecies and the work of 666 is all revealed and given for free on the Internet. This was promised to happen at the end of days, a time to which we have arrived.