Ping Pong – Japanese Movie Review

Ping Pong – Japanese Movie Review

Ping Pong is a sports drama Japanese Movie, based in Tokyo Japan. Released in 2002, it has passed into cult status in Japan and now the west. The story is about two high school characters, Peco and Smilie. Peco is a lazy, outrageous but talented table tennis player and Smilie is a follower who tends to copy and listens to whatever Peco says. Basically Smilie is a follower and Peco is a leader – Peco is Smilies hero.

In the movie, Peco is naturally arrogant and thinks he can beat any top Japanese player in High School. But one day, an overseas Chinese student beats him to a pulp in a game of Table Tennis. Peco ‘s ego is damaged, and it is further damaged by he’s lacky, Smilie. Peco goes into social withdrawal and leaves school and Smilie is the new sports star at High School.

The rest of the movie involves Peco reclaiming his crown as a top Ping Pong player and learning a lot about himself. The movie is mixed with a lot of comedy, such as Peco singing ‘Born in the USA’ by Bruce Springsteen, but only singing one verse annoying other people around him on a train. This leaves his friend, Smilie embarrassed and annoyed.

Ping Pong has a lot of action sequences involving the table tennis game and is mostly in CGI. You’ll be amazed how well done and suspenseful it is, and it can only be seen to see how great it is.

Ping Pong has great acting and the story moves along very well. It has a lot of Japanese cultural nuances, like how girls approach boys in high school which is unique and different. Overall, Ping Pong is an enjoyable movie and one I recommend.