Understanding the Belief, Behaviour, Results Model

Understanding the Belief, Behaviour, Results Model

What is the BBR Model?

Our belief system determines all of our behaviours and consequently, our behaviours determine our results. For each of our goals to be achieved successfully, they must have a clearly defined measure of success that conforms to the rules of well formed outcomes, enabling us to judge whether we have successfully achieved the goal or not. In the event that we have not achieved the goal then we will inevitably make excuses why we haven’t achieved it. Remember, “that we are in total control of our minds and therefore of our outcomes (goals)”. Reviewing the goal setting process will often yield lessons that we have learned which may be as a result of achieving the goal, or, things that we have learned because we haven’t achieved the goal.

The underlying principle though is that our beliefs determine our behaviour and that our actions are a direct output from our beliefs, hence the linkage between our beliefs, our behaviours and ultimately, our results.

How does the BBR Model work?

The Belief, Behave Result model works on the basis that you believe 100% that you can achieve the goal; that you have all of the resources necessary to achieve the goal available to you, and that it is ecologically practical and sound, in other words that the negative benefits don’t outweigh the positive ones. E.g. you could devote all of your time, effort and capital to develop a multi million pound, award winning business, at what cost though? What would the impact be on your personal life; your family your marriage; will they be left in shreds,. Therefore, is it worth it and is it ecologically sound?

The model has a number of steps that all work together from the first step being taken, to the last, with one aim in mind – achieving the goal. The focus should be geared to achieving outcome (the goal) and then work back establishing the actions that will enable the goal to achieved in exactly the way that was planned, ensuring that we know exactly what signs will be prevalent, indicating that he goals has been achieved.

David Beckham is one of the worlds’ great footballers and in particular one of the greatest exponents of the free kick. In October 2001 England were losing 2-1 to Greece and in danger of a major embarrassment with 1 minute left to play. The rest is history as David Beckham scored a truly amazing goal, saved England’s blushes and qualify for the 2002 World Cup Finals. From the moment he [ Beckham] prepared for that free kick, even before he commenced the run up, he believed that he had the skill and expertise to score a goal, he believed 100% that not only could he score from the free kick, that he would score. Hence his behaviours reflected his belief and what occurred at the end, the goal, was inevitable.

What if you applied the Belief, Behaviour, Result model to your business?

Imagine how your results would change in the future to reflect the things that you have always known, that you can achieve everything that you want to achieve and that you can be everything that you have ever wanted to be. Imagine being able to learn how to create goals and achieve them consistently across your life and enable you to have the business and lifestyle of your choice.